Saturday, September 30, 2023

Today Is Saturday, September 30. 2023: This Is What Happen.

 I'm sure I won't be able to fill you on all the happenings. We're all fine! I'm at the local library, typing out an post.

Strange thing both of my credit card got compromised. Hacked! So after I got done talking with the credit card company. I got back on my laptop and it start to beep at me, and announce not for me to shut down my computer, that my systems has been compromised. And to call this number. I couldn't shut it down. So I unplug and let the battery go dead. The battery in my lap top is pretty old. It didn't take long for the battery to die. It seem strange my laptop, start to have issues. Right after I talk to the credit card company. So after I get back from my trip. I set up an appointment to have one of the techie people at our library look at.

Present time. Hubby and I pulled out the fridge and clean behind. Taking off the back and tray on bottom. It was pretty dusty. It got to help. I don't see any harm in it.

Still finding time to be creativity. I don't see my self posting to after the 10th of October.

Coffee is on, and stay safe. 


  1. Hari OM
    that sounds like a ransomware attack, Dora... hope those techies can wipe it clean for you - don't go calling that number! YAM xx

  2. Agreed, it was an attempted scam

  3. Yeah, if you'd called the number, they would have scammed you. Sorry about your credit card. Too many crooks out there.

  4. I hope it is just a coincidence about your cards and your laptop.

  5. YES, don't call that number. You need a professional to clean it up for you.

  6. Gosh so sorry about your credit cards and laptop very stressful

  7. ...problems that no one needs.

  8. Yo are not having a fun time.

  9. Oh that sucks about your credit cards and your lap top. You did the right thing. Never call the number when a prompt comes up. I clean behind my stove, 2 fridges and a small freezer every month. Yeah, I'm a clean freak.

  10. It happened to me, the beeping, then threat, but next time I started it up, nothing bad happened, and I ran my virus protection to scan it and all was fine. Credit card hacking is getting so common.

  11. Oh no! So sorry to read about your credit cards and laptop, you could certainly do without that!

    All the best Jan

  12. I've had that happen with my computer before also. I left it unplugged for about an hour, turned it back on and then it was fine. I did run an extra virus scan. Hope things work out for you. Having that happen after the cards though, that would have me nervous. Cards seem to get compromised easier than they used to. Such a pain, getting new cards, notifying all the companies/bills that you have auto payments with of the new number etc. Good luck to you.
    Sandy's Space

  13. I hope you got all your credit card business resolved. Most times they can clear things up quickly & issue new cards. It is a shame how people do such terrible things to each other.

  14. So much scamming out there. I agree with the other commenters - if you had called that number it wouldn't have ended well for you. Interesting that it came right after credit card hacks. I hope you can get some good low cost help just to make sure nothing else bad is lurking out there. Alana

  15. Your credit cards were hacked? That is bad. I hope your issuing companies got it under control quickly.


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Today Is Wednesday, October 16, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  My first autumn painting is in my art journal. I went to a water class at the senior center. The girl reminds me of SUE BONNET SUE . All ...