Saturday, August 12, 2023

Today Is Saturday, August 12, 2023: This Is What Happened.

I just realized I'm sixty-three and a half today. In six months, I will be 64 years old. Regis got safely to Spokane, and his friend meant us there. He is over in Moses Lake. I sure hope he is enjoying himself.

Bart is hiking with his wife, two daughters, and his father-in-law. I wish I could hike. Wishing isn't going to get me there. Doing and pushing will get me there. 

I will finish my book a little later on. I ordered a book through Inter-Library Loan at my local library. So my next read will be The Adams Papers: Diary And Autobiography, Volume I: 1755-1770. 

My goal for 2023 reading was 24 books. At this rate, I will surpass it. 


Then I'm also taking part in our local library summer reading program. This year we report on how many chapters we read. It is kids, verse adults. Last time I knew that there were over 6,000 chapters. Between the adults and kids.

I just finished watching Jabberwocky and now watching PBS Art 21 about artists in this current century. 

Plus, some light chores around the place. Like taking out the trash and unloading and loading the dishwasher. I did a load of laundry and set the stove timer for 10 minutes. During that time, I swept the floor, watered the lilac bush, and made the bed. In the last little bit, was wash the dining room slider.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. Happy Half Birthday from all of us! Glad you got some chores done!

  2. Keep up the walking. Eventually you’ll be able to hike.

  3. Good job on meeting your reading goals. I hope you're enjoying what you're reading.

  4. ...we don't have PBS Art 21 here, but I enjoy Craft in America.

  5. You are keeping busy

  6. Happy half birthday. Mine is in three days and I will be 71.
    I think counting book chapters could be tricky, some books have very short chapters but a long story, so the book might have as many as 100 chapters thta are only a few pages each, while other books have very long chapters so the story could be only ten chapters but each one being many, many pages. I think it is better to count how many books with categories as to how many pages per book.
    when I set a time for chores ( I never set times anymore) I used to spend about fifteen minutes and do one room thoroughly, for instance a bedroom, I would change the sheets, make the bed, dust all firniture clean the floor including under the bed and put away clothes left lying out. It was my mum's method, one room at a time and it works well for me.

  7. Happy half birthday. I will be 77 at the end of this year, makes me feel very ancient! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Sacred in the ordinary ~ thanks ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. I used to hike but these knees don't let me do anything like that without a lot of pain.

  10. Sounds like you're enjoying retirement. I wish I had more time to read.


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Today Is Sunday, February 2, 2025: This Is What Happened.

  Our television went out. We had it for years, so I drove down to Walmart just south of Sandpoint. I got the same size, but the new televi...