Friday, May 26, 2023

Today Is Friday May 26, 2023: This Is What Happened:


Last Saturday. I notice some great clouds to take photos in the southeast from my home in North Idaho. But I took photos of clouds every one and a half hours. I was watching and enjoying how the clouds changed.

I'm pleased; I finished my entire June in my bullet journal.

One thing we talked about in my last therapy. Did I need help completing the task? I know I've talked bout this before my mom's famous statement." You did a good job but ____________________-.

Yes, the blank line was what was wrong. So I learned to say, "I didn't have enough time and made sure I was looking busy, doing something.

But even in school. I had trouble staying on task. Let's say in my math class. I could be working on English.

So my therapist thinks I have ADHD. I'm a restless person; that is the main focus of my ADHD. She gave me some pointers. Medication isn't necessary now, and I doubt it will be. It never causes me any major, either.

I couldn't figure out how to unblock Regis. So I wrote his number down. I might have trouble. It was my first time and person. I blocked. If he needles me again, I will block him for 48 hours next time. And the third time I saw it will be 96 hours. I'm not particularly eager to do things like this. But it needed to be done.

Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. The main dish was tuna and noodle casserole, and it was delicious. Then for dessert, it was cheesecake with blueberries on top. I'm full.

I finish up my art journal page. About banning books. It is only a minor thing I would do differently. First, I wouldn't use paper. I wanted to get the effect of natural rock. Second, I would have made a mental ramp with graffiti writing of books—both ban and not ban.

I'm linking my post to SKY WATCH and ART FOR FRIDAY.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. Ah, perfectionism. I'm sorry your mother blocked you like that. Sometimes you just need to say, "good job," and leave it at that.

  2. Oh how i luv those clouds and thanks for sharing your art journal
    Happy you linked up at AFFF


  3. Nice landscape to go with the clouds.

  4. I had trouble in primary school because I finished work before others and had nothing to do while I waited for the rest to catch up. Then one teacher said those who finish early can get a book to read from the shelf at the back of the classroom, so that was much better. Me and Elaine and Pam got to read a lot of books that year. High school was harder, but I always managed to stay on task except for the french lessons.

  5. It’s lovely you set a goal and you completed it.
    Well done. Very good job indeed. And no buts xx

  6. I love your first photo of the cloud behind the mountain.

  7. I should look at the clouds more, have a great weekend

  8. The negative but always makes it sound like it was a bad thing. You should be happy you finished what you did. Easier said than done, right? I am loving those cloud photos. Have a wonderful long weekend and enjoy filling in your bullet journal too.

  9. Nice clouds. Good to know if you are adhd

  10. I like how the clouds compliment the mountains, very nice composition.

  11. The sky is perfect. I have never blocked a person I know, just telemarketers!

  12. Beautiful sky with white clouds.

  13. Yes, it could be ADHD, but also please keep in mind that ADHD can be a strength in the right situation. Having said that, it's good to practice strategies that will help you with the parts of this that cause you issues (I refuse to say "disorder"). It is too bad your Mom criticized you like that. It is nice watching clouds, isn't it? Alana

  14. Watching clouds is a great way to enjoy nature.

  15. Beautiful skies. I love how they are constantly changing!

  16. Beautiful photos. Have fun playing in your journals!



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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...