Thursday, April 06, 2023

Today Is Thursday, April 6, 2023; This Is What Happened.

I'm tired. Last night I was every one to two hours peeing. Between trips to the bathroom, I slept well.

Last night I went to my art thing.

Tomorrow is my first Friday off. Only work three days this week. Come July, unless they find someone else, I will be down to two days a week.

Today Musician comes from KENTUCKY. I'm featuring GRANDPA JONES; he did OLD DAN TUCKER., And the lyrics to the SONG.

Coffee is on, and stay safe. 


  1. ...Grandpa Jone was a legend.

  2. Glad you still slept well

  3. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I noticed now that I am older, I do not sleep much.

  4. I hate days or nights when it seems I need to pee every hour or two. Thankfully I don't get those too often.

  5. Sorry you had to keep getting up to pee in the night, but glad you managed to sleep in between. Hugs, Valerie

  6. Its the same here for me, I get up many times in the night to pee. Sometimes I get back sleep, sometimes I will stay awake for awhile before falling off to sleep again.

  7. We all need a good nights sleep

  8. Have a great day! Enjoy every minute!

  9. Have a great day today.

  10. Yes, every two hours is routine for many of us. Goes with the territory. Grandpa Jones was a character. Thanks for the memory

  11. Why were you up so soften? Did you take a diuretic? If this is not normal for you. I’d definitely get checked. You might have a UTI.
    Try to catch up on some rest today

  12. I used to get up a couple times a night, but I haven't lately. Did something change? It's annoying, but as long as you can get back to sleep, it's not too bad. Unless there's a health issue cropping up.

  13. Oh dear, I commented then it seemed to disappear ... maybe in spam folder!!!

    At least between trips to the bathroom you did sleep well.
    Take care ...

    All the best Jan

  14. That's funny, I remember Grandpa Jones too, he was a hoot!

  15. Even if I just pee once in the middle of the night it disrupts my sleep enough to keep me awake for hours. No fun.


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Today Is Wednesday, October 16, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  My first autumn painting is in my art journal. I went to a water class at the senior center. The girl reminds me of SUE BONNET SUE . All ...