Friday, April 07, 2023

Today Is Friday, April 7, 2023; This Is What Happened.


My first Friday off. I did some smaller projects. All of them would take at most 10 minutes. I got my Granddaughter Claudia's birthday present wrapped up. She turns 7 today. We're going to Spokane to celebrate.

I went to the senior center and did their Friday Exercise program. I'm feeling it. It would be easy since it was at the senior center. My left side is much sorer than my right.

I had a hard time deciding how I wanted to do my so-called customized junk journal. In the evening, we work on filling it up. My mind just went blank. In other words, I went into a dissociation mindset.

It came to me, the books I have read or might read.

So depends on the book. I might draw a picture relating to that page. Like I did with my first one. From page 50. 

For some other ideas, I might do some writing.

I'm also sharing with ART FOR FUN FRIDAY.

I'm three-fourths done with Maus II, and my next read will be LETTERS TO MY DAUGHTER by Maya Angelou. Unfortunately, our Library doesn't have that book. But my guess is the reason our Library doesn't have that book. It is because of budget, and our floor square footage is on the small side.

The Library in Sandpoint has it.

Got the DVDs, watch, the ones I got from Sandpoint library. I will get two or three on Monday. Still trying to figure out what.

My friend Lolita gave me a DVD to watch; MAUDIE.

I mention HOUSE BILL 314A. In a nutshell. If it became law. If a child checks out something from the Library, parents consider it a phonograph. The Library could be fine.

Our Governor veto it. It was sustained by one vote. Still trying to figure out what Happen with the Senate side.

I will be voting on two board positions at our local library.

Today Musician comes from TENNESSEE. I'm featuring DOTTIE WEST and the song, COUNTRY SUNSHINE, and   and LYRICS.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. That's a great theme for your junk journal! You are such a big reader, you should never run out of material or ideas!

  2. That looks like a great gift for a seven-year-old.

  3. Enjoy your extra time to yourself. Maybe your local library can organise to have books from other libraries delivered to them for you to pick up. I’m pretty sure they do that here. Well they used too

  4. Hi Dora. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday
    A Happy Easter to you and your family. Hugs to your granddaughter


  5. Happy Easter weekend Dora. And happy birthday celebration with your granddaughter Claudia. I hope everyone has fun. hugs-Erika

  6. ...stay busy now that you have extra time. Happy Easter.

  7. Have a great weekend. Glad you are keeping busy and active. Happy easter, hugs, Valerie

  8. Good idea for the journal.
    Have a lovely trip.
    Happy Easter, Dora.

  9. Great idea for your journal and enjoy the weekend and hugs to your granddaughter ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Enjoy your trip. Does your library participate in inter-library loan? Where I live you can go to your local library and they can get a book for you from another library in the system (we have a four county system) - they used to charge 25 cents but now it is free. They call when it is in and you pick it up at your branch. Alana

  11. Hooray for you going to the exercise thing at the Senior Center. Dottie West is another country legend.

  12. Glad you're finding good things to read.

  13. Amazing the war on the first amendment going on in this country.

  14. Nav by Friday off must have been nice. Enjoy your long weekend.


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Today Is Wednesday, October 16, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  My first autumn painting is in my art journal. I went to a water class at the senior center. The girl reminds me of SUE BONNET SUE . All ...