Thursday, April 27, 2023

Today Is Thursday, April 27, 2023: This Is What Happened.

Going to do a more minor post. Took Regis to Sandpoint. We went to the library. I got one DVD. Called Per-Code Hollywood. And we stopped at the pain clinic to have his nerve stimulator adjusted. And before we head back to Bonners Ferry, we stop at the Blue Bird. We each cup of Mexican Mocha and split a CROISSANT

During the waiting periods at the stores or medical appointments. I usually will bring my book and read. As I mention that I'm reading the unedited version of Anne Frank's diary. It was noted that her sister also had a journal, THE SILENT SISTER. I know I said I wouldn't add any more books to my list over on good read.

Not sure when. Or if I will post about Liz and her world. But last Sunday, the 23rd, police knocked on the Regis door. I think that was a date. The entire thing is weird. So, for now, that is going to be it.

Today the Musician is from CALIFORNIA and the singer is BILLIE EILISH. The song I'm sharing is BAD GUYS and the LYRICS.

Coffee is on, and stay safe


  1. ...I never knew about her sister.

  2. Oh no. Don't leave us hanging about Liz.

  3. I knew there was a sister but didn't know she also wrote a book.

  4. Interesting reading

  5. When I went to Amsterdam several years ago I visited the Anne Frank house. Now that was a somber thing to see.

  6. Had no idea about Margot until now.

  7. so many books to read,

  8. Books get me through periods of waiting, which fly by when the book is a good one.

  9. I read the diary when I was a teenager. The version I read was the one Otto Frank edited. I’m rereading the diary now, the version that contains Anne’s rewrites, etc. Vey interesting


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Today Is Saturday, October 19, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I got another page of artist trading cards—nine of them. They came from Idaho and Washington, and two are unknown to me. I went to art...