Friday, April 28, 2023

Today Is Friday April 28, 2023; This Is What Happen.


Today Is Friday April 28, 2023; This Is What Happen

I thought of giving a few of these BLOG HOP a try. I don't which one or how often I will be involved with blog hop. I know it will be impossible for me to all of them. I don't have any desire all them. Or be held to blog hop schedule.

I have played “Words on Wednesday” a few time before. So it looks like each month they have a different host, and today host is JOURNALING WOMAN. Here is the prompt words...edge, chair, blanket, hypothermia, and fire. The extra word is exile, ranch, mutual, agenda, and dress.


The entire town of Burns been on edge, during the wildfire season. The fire season has started earlier than usual. With budget cuts. Not much was done for maintaining the lands.

People of Burns been put on notice they might need to leave with a short notice. Some of the people had their rigs packed.

Suddenly! The west side of Burns got the notice to go. Which means to grab your items, toss them in your rig. Not to pack. So hopefully most people had there items in order. If not their a good chance it will burned up.

The Emire family had to leave their 12 great grandparents chair, that was brought over before the United States was still part of England. And they knew it could be possible not survive.

Quite bit of the west side of the community did get destroy. Even the Emire family had quite bit of damage. All though they didn't loose everything.

The chair had mainly smoke damage. Surely the chair had some repair over time.

As they look though the house. Suddenly they notice the storage area was complete wiped out. No blankets or the quilts they made over years. One shelves had a large section of fabric, that was gone as well. They had a bite of sadness came over them. They started to think of the family in next town over, who all died of hypothermia. Not all that long ago.

But compare to some, they didn't loose any life. Burns was a wonderfully community.

I thought it would be fun and interest see what A.I comes up with the same word I use. So here goes...Sarah was on a camping trip alone when a sudden blizzard hit. She tried to start a fire, but the damp wood wouldn't catch. With no other options, she wrapped herself in a blanket and sat in her chair at the edge of the campsite, hoping someone would find her.

As the hours passed, Sarah's shivers became more violent, and her breathing became shallow. She knew she was experiencing hypothermia and needed warmth fast. She looked around, spotting a broken chair leg and some dry leaves.

She placed the dry leaves on the ground, set the chair leg on top, and used a match to light it. The leaves ignited, and Sarah added more kindling until the fire was roaring. She sat beside the flames, warming her frozen hands.

After a few minutes, Sarah felt well enough to stand up and start walking to find help. She extinguished the fire, wrapped herself tightly in the blanket, and ventured out into the storm.

As she trudged through the snow, Sarah noticed smoke in the distance. She followed the smoke and found a group of hikers gathered around a campfire. They welcomed her, and she collapsed into a chair, grateful for the warmth.

Sarah knew she had to be careful, as the possibility of starting a forest fire was high. But she also knew that without that small fire, she may not have survived the night. She shuddered at the thought and huddled closer to the fire, glad to be alive.

But the strange thing with A.I, I found out it best to limited the number of words.

I feel like being social and thought I would explore a few more blog hops. The sky been beautiful, but the pollen I think is starting to rise. My eyes were somewhat itchy. But sky was friendly this entire week. I took part in SKY WATCH FRIDAY

Let me not beat around the bush. I'm not a fan at all, of those who marginalize others. Today art related to that subject.

This is what I wrote in green...I'm not sure of how how to express my feeling toward those who want to marginalize others or groups.

It makes me scared and angry. I know it wrong to hate. But some Nationalism ideals I despise. I'm not a fan of confederate, Nazi, and fascism. I'm sure they're others.

We all should play nice.

Side note: Note a fan of colonialism or Imperialism

I took part in ART FOR FUN FRIDAY

I can't say I had stress free week. I been joy reading my book. Working three days a week been great for my mental and emotional health.

I forgot to mention yesterday about asking the reference librarian at the library at the Sandpoint library. This question. What was require reading in the past?

What was require reading when you was in school? And she thought it was good question, which made me feel good.

She suggest I might try posting it on social media. And maybe some museum might have records on such things.

Tomorrow, Saturday Lolita and I are going to see grand opening of an local art gallery. And then to a juice bar.


Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. Good art. Well done on the words.

  2. You were a bit spot on naming the town "Burns".

  3. ...I have always been a political person.

  4. Luv the art and photo. Thanks for linking to AFFF


  5. I have started walking to beat my stress. Haven't taken part in any blog hop yet. And yes, I need to learn about AI!

  6. I like seeing pictures of the area where bloggers I read live, so welcome to Skywatch! The AI take on the several words exercise was interesting. I wonder what works of literature it learned on. I haven't experimented with AI, though, and don't plan to. Alana

  7. That was a good story. On another topic. I have no use whatsoever for politicians. They're a waste of breatheable air.

  8. Those fire and natural disaster stories are heart breaking. And there seems to be so many right now. Marginalizing others is not a good thing, and there seems to be so much anger and hate out there right now. It's also sad. have a lovely weekend. hugs-Erika

  9. I like your story and am glad the people survived although the loss of all the heirloom quilts is sad.
    Next month the words are provided by a different person, and they will be on "Elephant's Child" blog:-

  10. It has been a wild week

  11. That is a beautiful looking sky, nice photograph.

    All the best Jan


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
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Today Is Saturday, October 19, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I got another page of artist trading cards—nine of them. They came from Idaho and Washington, and two are unknown to me. I went to art...