Saturday, April 15, 2023

Today Is Saturday, April 15, 2023; This Is What Happened.

I remembered! Yes, I'm going to take part in Saturday Nine. I know very little about Saturday Nine, like who is the host or hostess. I'm copying the question from SONG BIRD. I'm sure I will have it figured out in due time. So here goes.

1)In this song, Anne Murray sings that she thinks she's going to have a son. Is anyone in your life expecting a baby? No, I don't believe so.

  1. 2) Back in the 1970s, when this song was popular, parents had to wait until their baby was born to know the gender. Today moms and dads can learn within the first few months whether they're expecting a son or daughter. Do you prefer it this way? Or would you rather not know in advance if you are welcoming a boy or girl into your family? My first one and the doctor, which I had with my oldest. No ultrasound. On the second one, he has covered his privates.

  1. 3) Anne is so popular in her native Canada that her face graced commemorative postage stamps. What's the last piece of mail you affixed a stamp to and mailed? A Thank you note. I got it from my friend Lolita. The last time I was in Walmart, I bought her a mixed-media sketchbook. 

  1. 4) She began taking voice lessons at 15. She was so serious about it she took a 50-minute bus ride each way to her classes. What extracurricular activities captured your attention when you were in high school? Drama, debate, orchestra. Photography.

  1. 5) She studied physical education at the University of New Brunswick and upon graduation, taught P.E. for a year. Did you enjoy gym class? I was usually one last one picked for most P.E. teams. I played varsity Volleyball in Jr High; now it is called middle school.

  1. 6) Every spring and summer, Anne's fans travel to Nova Scotia and The Anne Murray Centre. There they can see exhibits and memorabilia from her long career, including her Grammy Awards and gold records. If we were to display memorabilia reflecting the highlights of your life, what items should we include? That would be hard. I wouldn't want to come across as a narcissistic person.

  1. 7) In 1972, the year this record was popular, Popeyes opened their first chicken restaurant. Today there are more than 3700 locations in 30 countries. Is chicken on the menu at your house this week? I don't recall seeing a popeye. I will see if Spokane has them. They had chic fil A. We usually have chicken two or three times a week. 

  1. 8) Also in 1972, latch hook rug kits were all the rage. With pre-cut yarn, a latch hook, and a printed pattern, "hookers" could make wall hangings, pillow covers, and throw rugs. Are you into arts and crafts? No, I never have done latch hook rugs. But I have done locker hook.

  1. 9) Random question: If you were offered the position of mayor of your town, would you take it? Here in Idaho. I would be putting myself in danger. 

Last evening I tried to figure out the difference between modern and contemporary art. But the main thing is modern art..." Is more self-expressive" and contemporary art..." pays more attention to society." I'm almost done with my playing around with the color yellow. I' l post it tomorrow. I only have one more spot to add another speck of yellow.

I want to do a piece of "book banning" I'm trying to figure out what type of head I want to put on those who want to ban books. I know it is not to be human. The two ideas I come up with are. A zippo lighter or gas can. Ma be something else. An ideal?

This morning hubby and I took a couple of trash cans and a bag up to the dump. Then we got some green paint for the outside of the house. It was on sale. Then we stopped at the store and thought we would grab a few things. Just under fifty dollars. Things are expensive. I did about ten minutes of exercise. 

Watch a movie with Jimmy Stewart and Marlene Dietrich called DESTRY RIDES AGAIN. A few words I would personally call it...Joyfully...powerfully (mostly the females), and funny. One thing that might have troubled the town issue still needs to be settled with guns. Well, toward the end of the movie. 

Today musician comes from MAINE. I'm featuring LADY LAMB. Her song I'm featuring is DEEP LOVE and the LYRICS.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. Jimmy Stewart was such a good actor. Oh, Popeyes does have good chicken, yum!

  2. We bought a little stereo in 70-71, and I think Anne Murray might have been our first LP. We certainly had that Son song.

  3. Immediately recognized Ann Murray

  4. ...I have always enjoyed Ann Murray!

  5. I didn't recognise Anne Murray but I remember her songs. My dad liked her. I have chicken on the menu this coming week, tomorrow I will make chicken schnitzels and most of them will go in the freezer, while one will be for my dinner.

  6. Jimmy Stewart was a great actor! Have a wonderful day, Valerie

  7. Welcome to Saturday 9! I hope you enjoyed the Q&A and continue to play. You sound like you'll fit right in (apparently few of us liked gym and no one wants to be mayor!). As for your art - I think the Zippo lighter (with the flame showing) sounds cool. The only other thing I could think of would be a sheep's head, as such folks are simply following the lead of others and not thinking for themselves. Thank you for visiting my blog!

  8. Anne Murray's children's album - Hippo in the bathtub was one of my favourites growing up (Canadian gal after all!)

  9. Welcome to the game, my friend. I loved your answers.

  10. Love Anne. She grew up not far from PEI.

  11. On determining when the timing of learning gender. People say that they like the surprises. To me, the nerd engineer, it just changes the timing of the surprise. Instead of saying "Wow, its a girl" when the baby is born, you can say it when you get the lab results.

  12. We have Popeyes around here. There's one close to one of the schools I work at. We have so many different fast food spots, it's crazy.

  13. Ann Murray is new to me. But glad to have made the acquaintance now, late than never.

  14. I have many of Anne Murray's songs. I just sent Hippo in the Bathtub to my sone to play for my grandson. Used to watch her Christmas Specials. Her daughter has as good a voice as her mother.


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Today Is Friday, October 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Yesterday, Murphy and I went down to Post Falls to visit his sister Faith. She will be having back surgery sometime next week. I am not ...