Saturday, April 01, 2023

Today Is Saturday, April 1, 2023; This Is What Happened.

I didn't feel like blogging yesterday. Yesterday was my last Friday at work. When I return on Monday, I will only work three days a week. Hopefully, this quarter someone will be found for Regis. In July, I will be down to two days a week. He needs more time than two days a week.

I'm trying not to feel guilty if no one is found. I gave plenty of notice. To find a replacement. I feel like I'm abandoning my clients.

It is time for me to retire. I want and need to do things other than go to work.

Our bathtub last had a good scrubbing a while ago. Last time it was done. Hubby did it. Well, I scrubbed it before we went down. It needs more scrubbing. But mentally, I'm just not up to it. But I gain significant ground with the tub. I will do more scrubbing during the week.

Just finished watching the movie. The Stranger. One of my goals is to watch all the things Orson Welles did. So far, all the movie roles have played back in the forties. If a female were strong, they were ole nags. And the nice one seems to have an unhealthy co-dependence role.

Today Musician comes from NEW YORK STATE. I'm featuring DEBBIE HARRY, the song THE TIDE IS HIGH, and the LYRICS.


  1. Try not to feel guilty you have to do what is right for you.

  2. ...great tune, keep the music playing.

  3. Love that song.

    You need to take care of yourself and not feel guilty.

  4. It's hard not to feel guilty when you know what your clients need is more time with a quality carer, but as you said, you gave the company plenty of notice and it is up to them now to find someone.
    If I lived closer I could scrub your tub, I'm a whiz at getting tubs scrubbed.

  5. Im glad you now have more time for yourself, you have given plenty of warning that more cover is needed. Hope that tub doesn't take up too much of your newly found spare time!

  6. No you shouldn’t feel guilty at all. You did give lots of notice and you need to do what’s right for you. You have earned it

  7. Yes, you gave lots of notice. You deserve to retire like everyone else.

  8. Something like bath scrubbing can be good for your mental health. Doing menial tasks can be good.

  9. Looking after yourself is vital. Your clients will be okay!

  10. You are not to blame if the authorities don't find a replacement. Hugs, Valerie

  11. The worst job I feel in the house is cleaning the oven. But, I clean it every six months so its never very dirty. Kneeling on the floor and reaching into the oven is difficult for me. HOpe you get your tub spotless. I never use mine so it doesn't get dirty. The tub is very low sided and the overflow drain is just 8 inches from the bottom of the tub, so its only good for little kids.

  12. Try not to feel guilty, you gave lots of notice.

  13. Don't feel guilty. You provided a lot of time. I get it, as someone in human services who cares for clients, it can be hard.

  14. Do what is right for you. Just a thought; your body may be trying to unwind after all the stress of the past years. If your body says "relax and don't scrub the tub" I would listen to it. What I wouldn't listen to is the feelings of guilt. You gave plenty of notice. You have a right to be part time and eventually retire. Alana

  15. It's time for you so don't feel guilty. You need the "me" time and you're quite ready.

  16. Of course he's going to drag his feet. But you gave plenty of notice. And you get to retire when you want to.

  17. You gave lots of notice. Cleaning a very dirty tub is hard work even with all the msagic cleaning solutions. A little at a time.


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Today Is Thursday, January 30, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Not much post. No photos. Around three in morning I keep waking up and my brain is full of thoughts. I keep thinking of great plans. Time t...