Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Today Is Tuesday, March 21, 2023. This Is What Happen.


Between clients, I went for a walk. Park at the old Safeway parking lot. Walk under the train bridge and up over to the dyke and back through town. As I walked up a small hill, my legs cramped. Got some photos.

This morning I got on the scale. I question why I can't or don't keep to a common sense healthy lifestyle.

I have been doing a bit of organization around the place after work. But something still needed to be completed.

On my to-do list tomorrow. Pay three bills. Which is a credit card, hospital, and water. Oh, we need to get pick-up tabs as well.

Also plan to put more time into picking up, downsizing, and organizing tomorrow.

Yesterday, I did some drawing. I still need to stop by the photo place to get a copy of the photo of my Great Uncle Archie. I'm working on a collage with him in it.

Today musician artist is RICKY NELSON, who is from NEW JERSEY. I'm choosing the song, GARDEN PARTY, and here are the LYRICS.

Editor Note...Dang can't get photo removed. 

Coffee is on and stay safe.


  1. I love your song choice today, “Garden Party” is such an interesting song. Your walk looks interesting.

  2. Ricky Nelson's song "Garden Party" is one of. my faves! Good luck with your organizing and other things tomorrow!

  3. Do you use blogger's "new post" page to write and add photos to your post? I do and if I post a photo twice I just click on the unwanted photo so it turns blue then click on "backspace" to remove it.

  4. Loving the ghost sign! Always a fan of those.

  5. ...I like the ghost sign!

  6. I remember Ricky Nelson

  7. Those are some interesting looking buildings.

  8. You had a good walk through town! Valerie

  9. I remember Ricky Nelson and the TV show he was on with his family - I like his music, too. Enjoyed the pictures you took in your town. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...