Thursday, March 23, 2023

Today Is Thursday, April 23, 2023; This Is What Happened.

Tired. I got three movies, including THE STRANGER; I like to get the FRIDA, but I got a hunch I grabbed the wrong DVD. But their other FILM about her. Then the other movie I got was TILL.

Stopped at the dollar store and got some reading glasses and a water bottle.

Goodwill was my last stop; I got two books. BEN FRANKLIN and WERID WASHINGTON. Plus, I found the container to put our over-the-counter medication in.

Spend about $10.

Today Musician is MOBY, and the song I would like to feature is, WHY DOES MY HEART FEEL SO BAD. Here are the LYRICS. The lyrics site I find the comment interesting.

Moby is from the state of CONNECTICUT.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. Sounds like a good day except you were tired

  2. Oooh, Orson Welles … fabulous actor, I hope you enjoy the movie.

  3. Frida is incredible, Salma Hayek played her so well.

  4. Frida is a fantastic film! Valerie

  5. You did get a lot done in 1 day. Take a rest.

  6. Nice glimpse of your day enjoy!

  7. ...MOBY is new to me.

  8. Frida is a great film!

  9. Hopefully the movies are interesting.

  10. I love buying what I need and not spending heaps for it.
    We don’t have a dollar store here. We have a reject shop and things in there are cheaper than in the other stores

  11. I didn't know Moby was from Connecticut. I remember the song duet he did with Gwen Stefani.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...