Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Today Is Wednesday February 8 2023, This Is What Happen.


A little over halfway through Maus. The book ( THE ESSENTIAL WRITING OF SABINA SPIELREIN) came in. I got it through the inter-library. After I read that, I plan to read, A BIRD IN THE HAND. Which I have a copy of. I believe after that, I will read INDIAN KILLER. I have read two of SHERMAN ALEXIE's books. Unfortunately, our library doesn't have Indian Killer. The library in Sandpoint has it. But our library does have 10 of his books.

My youngest Grandgirl is sick. She has some virus. Bree spent a night in the hospital. And looks like she will be there again tonight.

Her oxygen level was on the low side. Last I talked to my son Sawyer they turned down her oxygen level too; I believe it was 7.5

Today Murphy and I ate at a senior center. It was ok. But nothing to write home about. Murphy is stuck through the week and wants to get out a bit. So please don't blame him.

Listen to the State of the Union address last night. The only thing I can say about the response speech afterward was Sarah Huckebee Sander's speech. That she Is "Nuts," I don't know why after the State Union Address, To me, the response seems like they take the worst of the worst. Why can't they dig up someone level-headed, like Mike DeWitt, Governor of Ohio?

During the news, I'll do some embroidery. It's still light outside til after 5 in the evening. The above artwork is from Royal Art College. Work done by WEILIN SONG

The other artwork is ABEDLAZIZ, who is from TUNISIA.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Hope your granddaughter improves

  2. Your grand daughter has low oxygen levels so they turned down her oxygen?? Shouldn't they turn it up? I hope she is well soon.

  3. Our grandkids have been sick too, though not in hospital. There is a bad cold going round.

  4. I agree with you, there are many Republicans who would have given a better speech. Mitt Romney comes to mind. Loved how he called George Santos a “sick puppy”. I’m from Long Island, but fortunately not in Santos’ district. 🙄

  5. Hope your Grandaughter gets well soon. x

  6. Hope your granddaughter soon gets better, hugs, Valerie

  7. SHS is nuts, simply nuts.

  8. Yeah, she is nuts. MTG needs to be booted out. She is a disgrace. Enough of that. I am sorry your grand daughter is sick. I'm sending healing energy for a fast recovery.

  9. I can understand why Murphy would want to get out. Especially in the winter. Cabin fever is real.

  10. Hope your granddaughter gets better soon. It’s scary when they’re not well. There isn’t much we can do. But she’s in the best care in hospital.

  11. Hope your granddaughter get well quickly. Biden knocked it out of the park. MTG should be on the Dems payroll. Huckleberry's normal vs crazy will come back to haunt the Repubs in 2024.

  12. We are all sending good thoughts to Bree and we hope all is better super soon.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...