Thursday, February 09, 2023

Today Is Thursday February 9 2023, This Is What Happen.

 Between my clients, I took a short walk around town. I even took my camera and got a few photos. All of them are looking west. Even walked up a small hill. I could feel it in my legs.

I had quite a few books listed on my GOOD READ account. For I took out quite a few books and made a more reasonable list.

My reading goal is to read 24 books this year. I have 25 listed. Today I picked up my INTER-LIBRARY LOAN BOOK. I will be done with Maus one before the weekend. This BOOK I am considering buying this. I am still looking for it in the United States and will not pay over $20 for it, including shipping.

I am sitting on the fence about buying THE MOTHER GOOSE DIARIES and BRAMBLY HEDGE SERIOUS. Suppose my local library or the one in Sandpoint does not have what is on my reading list. Then, I would use the Interlibrary loan program.

I have been looking at some people's BUCKET LIST, and I know I have things I would like to do in this lifetime.

Nevertheless, some things are not obtainable. For example, I would like to visit all the continents unless we win the lottery, but that is not happening.

However, the thing is we hardly buy tickets for it.

Mail off my granddaughters' Valentine cards and pay a little extra for postage since I added some stickers to the cards. Although still under $1.00 each.

Act like it was going to rain most of the day.


  1. I’d be interested to know your thoughts on Maus

  2. Is that Bonner's Ferry? It looks nice, quiet, not too big, not too small.

  3. That book you mentioned is listed on for less than $4. Used, paperback.

  4. No bucket lists for me. I just need to live each day at this point.

  5. No bucket list here. Enjoying what is as much as I can.

  6. Do you know about the Gutenberg Project? You can download books that are in the public domain (so you don't have to buy them). This would be for classics and such, if you're looking for those sorts. And it's digital, so you'd need an ereader or tablet. But it's an option.

  7. Your town looks very nice! On my bucket list is buying a new bucket.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...