Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Today is Wednesday February 22, 2023, This Is What Happen


Been showing my trip to Campbell house and M.A.C., and their home is beautiful, but like all of us, we have two sides to the coin.

I wonder about people who post on their blog their life is perfect. I understand Helen kept diaries like many people of the Victorian and Edwardian Eras. There is a copy of her diary, and I would like to read it.

There is a dark side to how the Campbell family makes their wealth. Plain simply, they took ADVANTAGE of their workers. Paid them like .50¢ a day, and I would guess a day was more than eight hours of labor. 

The Campbell lived in Wallace. But it says they moved to Spokane for their daughter to bring up in the culture. But I question it! If part of the reason, safety could be part of it. 

As I said, the main reason I would leave this area for the search for culture. 

I heard it cost $30,000 to build the Campbell home at the turn of the last century. But how do they treat their staff? They lived up on the third floor. A narrow stairwell, and they don't let visitors up there. For fire reasons. I can understand that. But I thought it would be a great fundraiser. Let's sell 150 lottery tickets to the servant living area. For a 10 or 15-minute tour. A limited of three people at a time. If the owners of these places go nasty with their servants, they could taint the food a bit.

My son Bart really like the ideal of building in cabinet in Sewing room. My granddaughter Claudia and Wendy. Thought that the Helen was still there. She in painting. Helen was born about the same time as my grandma Olive was. Helen son serviced in world war II, as my grandmother sons did. Other words my uncles. 

I canceled today's crafter thing at Pearl to cold. I woke up at six this morning at 8 (-13), But Murphy and I went to the senior center. The lunch was a nice bowl of chili. 

I complete another item on my bucket list. To get rid of 10 items and the items went to a community thrift. Didn't go into the thrift store. But gas in pick-up, regular, is $3.39 a gallon. 

Editor Note...These miners were paid fifty cent to dollar less than most miners, in area. Plus at time mines were paying out well to the stock holder.


  1. That really is an interesting place, thanks for showing it to us.

  2.'s amazing what was built before income tax!

  3. I wonder if the workers were paid 50 cents an hour, what the normal rate of pay would be.

  4. A very interesting house with lovely furniture. I bet it would cost a lot more to build that size and style these days.

  5. I have a feeling that, historically, many people played shady deals to become wealthy. I wonder if it is true today.

  6. Chili was probably good for the cold day. We're getting a cold wind, too, but not nearly as cold as you.

  7. A golden era of big houses.

  8. The dark side in history makes this house a more interesting place to visit.

  9. History is so interesting. The house looks amazing. Most wealthy families with old money made it by taking advantage unfortunately


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...