Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Today Is Wednesday February 15 2023, This Is What Happen.


I won't be sharing any of my trip to the Museum in Spokane today. Instead, I'll be sharing art from other countries today.

Here is today's picture of the day.

A pair of shoes, I bought from the local thrift store.

I did get in a walk today. I manage to walk to the third powerline pole. Friday, I will walk to the fourth one.

Paid some bills today.

I'm clueless about LEUKOCYTE TELOMORE LENGTH. I could live a long time and have no issue living in ripe old age. I once figured most of my family lived well past 85. I have two Aunts and one Uncle who are still around and are in their 90s. I sure didn't gray young as my dad did. I understand he was solid white before he was 30 years old.

I got hold of my state representative over HOUSE BILL 139. One can read the entire following House Bill 139 Bill Text. Someone I know suggests that Library could sue parents for not parenting. This bill could make it tough on L.G.B.T.I.A.

Only a bit more to say! 1PM and primarily clear sky

Today's artist is IVAN CHERINKO, who lived in TURKMENISTAN.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. It's nice to get out and walk.

  2. ...I have been walking more regularly too.

  3. Nice shoes. I'm not walking anywhere today, it's 40C outside (104F). I did go to the shop while it was still cool early this morning, but now I'm staying in with the airconditioner cooling the house.

  4. Turkmenistan fascinates me, i have some jewellery from there. Love the art. x

  5. You are making progress with the walking, Peppy. Well done.

  6. I like the shoes. My take my dog out several times a day so I definitely get my walking in.

  7. I like those leopard print shoes! Good luck with your library struggle!

  8. Cool shoes. My dad was silver gray when I was a kid. I still have brown hair. Some gray but not all.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...