Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Today Is Tuesday February 14 2023, This Is What Happen.


I watched P.B.S. news, and yesterday they had a story done by CANVAS. Called MUSEUM OF LOST MEMORIES

I have quite a few photos of family members, and I need to figure out who they are. I have been in places I have seen old images. That is being offered for sale, from fifty cents to five dollars. Guess about every household has unified photos,

I took quite a few photos when visiting the museum. In addition, there was an exhibit called PRINCESSES AND SAVAGE STEREOTYPES.

Try not to use certain adjectives not to put people in a particular bias. But when it comes to nationalist people. Catch me using terms...cruel, close-minded, bullies, self-center, tyrant, brutal and sure; there are other stereotype words out there. I wish I had more photos from this exhibit.

Working and the computer holds me down in a particular part of my life. I started a BUCKET LIST, and since Regis had mental health appointment in Sandpoint, we stopped at the library. So I want to watch all the films that MERYL STREEP and I got the DVD "Deer Hunter." I saw this back in high school. After I watch Deer Hunter, I will look for MANHATTAN.

Before we left Sandpoint, I stopped by Farmin park, where the local farmer's market is located. So here is my picture of the day.

Still light at 5 PM.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. Your days are getting longer. Mine are getting shorter.
    Some very interesting paintings

  2. The museum looks rather good and interesting.

  3. I love Meryl’s work.

    Enjoy your day off tomorrow!

  4. I love museums. Love your last photo, Valerie

  5. I loved Manhattan. One of Woody Allen’s finest. I have trouble watching his films now, it’s hard to separate the art from the artist

  6. Beautiful pieces, I love that sculpture at the end!

  7. Enjoy your movies, it's nice to escape like that sometimes.

  8. It's too bad people didn't write on the pics who they were at the time. It's so easy to lose names to history.

  9. I like it when the days get longer.
    Interesting last photograph you've shared.

    All the best Jan

  10. I should start a bucket list.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...