Thursday, February 16, 2023

Today Is Thursday February 16 2023, This Is What Happen


I had every intention of going to book talk at Pearl this evening. However, I was leaving Sandpoint around 3:30 this afternoon. Regis had an appointment down there at 3:00. I was yawning while driving. But one thing waiting in the doctor's office, I get a chance to read.

Before his appointment, we stop at a thrift store. I'm trying to find a smaller suitcase with a wheel used as a carry-on. Usually, they have plenty in the thrift store. But since I want one, now the thrift store doesn't have one.

Well, before we went down to Sandpoint. We hauled some things up to the main dump, and there was a large suitcase with wheels in a dumpster. Although too large.

At this point, I have 26 listed on my bucket list. As I list things, I'm limited to something I can do. The main reason is the need for more funds. But they're plenty I can go and experience. I want to go down to the Jundt Museum in June and attend their QUILT SHOW.

By then, I will have two days off during the work week. Wednesday and Friday. I might even go down by myself.

I'm trying to have a different look at how I handle disappointment. I like to discuss this with my therapist the next time I see her. Unfortunately, she is so full I will see her in the Middle of March. On one of my Facebook groups, someone posted about these CARDS, and they were pretty neat and would be priced at about $20.

No depends on what one gets, your dropping over SIXTY dollars. Out of my budget, and that is ridiculous.

More from our trip to MAC, and I was amazed at the UBUHLE WOMAN BEADWORK—a lot of fine detail in their pieces.

 Suppose this comes near your area. I recommend one see it. Here the SCHEDULE

Not cold outside, although not hot either.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. Havent been to a thrift store in a while

  2. Yes, use your new free time for something you will enjoy

  3. I want to visit a few thrift stores, but don't go mostly because I really don't need more stuff. I saw a quilt show once here in Adelaide, the quilts were for sale, and fairly priced, but way too expensive for my budget.

  4. I like the second painting with the purple and the spirals!

  5. Quilts too hard to clean so I don't buy them or look at them. With cats here I need things that easy to clean. Some quilts are beautiful, I'll give, and tell stories too.

  6. The art cards may be good, but who can afford that $?

  7. Doctors' waiting rooms are always a good place to catch up on one's reading.

  8. Retirement is for doing the things you kept putting off when working. Hopefully you can find a lot of free or nearly free activities you won't mind going to by yourself if you have to. Alana

  9. It must be great to plan things from the bucket list. Hope you get to that quilt show.

  10. It’s always the way. When you don’t need something they’re everywhere and when you do. Nowhere to be seen.
    Money has always and will probably always be an issue. We always have to juggle what we want or need compared to what we can actually afford.

  11. Why not put things on your bucket list that aren't reasonable? Maybe putting an intention out into the universe might make something come to you in a way you wouldn't think possible. Like, if you wanted to take a cruise around the world and somehow you won a prize where you could do that. Dream big. Whittle it down later.

  12. Of course that is how it goes sometimes, the thrift store and lots of things but not the think you are looking for.

  13. Wonderful art! Valerie

  14. I love the quilts.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...