Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Today Is Wednesday February 1 2023, This Is What Happen


In sixty-five days, I will be adding another day off. Which will be Friday. I don't know if there has been any effort to look for my replacement. For either Liz or Regis. If I was going to guess. I doubt they even start to look.

Refusing to work is forcing a hand. My friend Alice did the same thing I did. And she called and said she was planning to retire. But left it open until when they found her replacement. No, the replacement wasn't found, and the person she was caring for died.

Been looking into ways to get down to Medford, Oregon. Flights are costly to go there and back. The cheapest flight I found was $182, which was one way. To come home is $225. Plus, that is only for one of us.

The total price for a round trip I want to pay is less than $500 for both of us.

My birthday is this month. Hubby and I are going to Spokane that weekend to see our son, Bart. We're planning to go to the MAC. It has been a while since either Murphy or I have been there.

I would like to see MODERN QUILT EXHIBIT

A few things I did was clean behind the fridge. Did a load of laundry. And started up my car. It wasn't started during our cold snap. Worried about the battery, but lucky it started fine

Off to art this evening. Today's art is from EAST TIMOR

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. It is terrible that no replacement has been found. It seems all the businesses wait too long to fill a position. Even at my place of employment some positions are left open for months. Of course HR says it is because there are no applicants but I don't know if I believe that.

  2. Yeah, I almost forgot your birthday is this month. Enjoy.

  3. Have a happy birthday. Hope you find the flights at the price you want.

  4. The modern quilt exhibit in Spokane sounds very interesting! And I like that last piece of East Timor art very much -- it makes me think of some cultures' art of the Divine Feminine.

  5. Well, you know they're not going to to anything until you retire. And maybe not even then.

  6. Glad the car started up

  7. Interesting art. I hope they get off their butts and find a replacement for you soon. glad your car is okay. Have a happy birthday.

  8. You are going the right away about retiring. You inform your employer of what you will do. $225 is probably what we would pay for similar return flight. It's quite a distance to Medford, a twelve hour drive. Google oddly does not give any public transport option.

  9. I hope a replacement will be found soon. Wishing you Happy Birthday.

  10. My birthday is at end of month. I've heard of employers trying to get workers to stay on "until replacement found" but they never even try to find a replacement so watch out!

  11. They really should have found a replacement by now. Hope you find a cheaper flight! Hugs, Valerie

  12. Hooray for another day off, don't let them talk you into staying unless that's what you want.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...