Friday, February 17, 2023

Today Is Friday February 17 2023, This Is What Happen.


Went for a walk down at Riverside Park.

 I started to worry I wouldn't get in my walk today. It was pretty windy down at the park. It was quiet. Saw another car come in, although they parked on the other end.

Still working on my bucket list and adding three countries I would like to visit. Mongolia, Scotland, and Singapore.

Yes, there are more countries I would like to see.

Actually, I'm looking at quite a few places within a 100 miles radius of my home. One place I listed is to visit the CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE.

Stop at the Second Chance thrift store, still trying to find a carry-on suitcase with wheels. I got a graphic novel and blank cards. No luck with the suitcase search. The one they had was much too big. The Second Chance is an animal shelter.

I ran into my friend Lolita in the Super-One parking lot, and she gave me a bag of clothes. She has good taste in clothes, so that I will go through them over the weekend. What I don't like or fit. I will take it to the thrift store. Usually, I take my stuff to the Second chance thrift store.

I grab two newspapers, the SANDPOINT READER and INLANDER. I don't see myself reading the entire paper. But, whatever I read, I will be happy.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. I've found a few great things at thrift stores, but usually I'm taking things there instead, that somehow accumulate, though I'm not sure how so much stuff creeps in. Must be the stuff creepers, beings that hustle junk into a person's house in the dark of night, very quietly.

  2. twig dogwood sure pops in winter.

  3. Nice that you were able to get your walk in.

  4. I spent a very hot day in Singapore, it was lovely. Spent a week recently in Scotland, also lovely. Have not been to Mongolia.

  5. Pretty scenery to walk around in. I hope you find a wheeled carry-on.

  6. You found a great place to walk. Getting out in nature does wonders for the soul.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...