Sunday, February 19, 2023

Today Is Sunday February 19 2023, This Is What Happen.

 The mask exhibit is the main reason I went to the MAC. I've had and still do. I'm Interested in masks and their culture. On my bucket list, I would make a mask. I made one in first grade out of paper mache. So making a mask is number 49 on my bucket list.

I also add three more things to my bucket list.

Go to a musical, and I would need to go down to Coeur D Alene, Idaho, or Spokane. First, I would like to know if my granddaughters in Spokane will see Aladdin. Then, I would like to see the musical Pride and Prejudice. It looks like it is coming to Coeur'd Alene.

Go to a drag show. Confession time...I have been fascinated by drag fashion, not necessarily cross-dressing. Still trying to decide which month, but Sandpoint has a drag queen show. I'm sure it is in the summer months. 

I've mentioned this before. Is to visit HEYBURN STATE PARK. Two of my Uncle were part of the CCC program. 

I'm working on visiting three places in the five Northern Counties of North Idaho.

Then on Sunday, I review three random comments from the past week. Let's start with BACK ROAD TRAVELER and his commentary on Friday the 17th...Red twig dogwood sure pops in winter...Yes, it does, and looks great in a flower arrangement.

Now for my second person who comment, BASTELMANIA...Wonderful Photos...Thank You. Hope to get get more photos. One of my bucket lists is to take a photo daily. I have been posting them on my INSTAGRAM PAGE.

Now for the last comment, I will be using SHE WHO SEEKS...Your brave to let A.I am writing a blog post for February 28...I don't know about brave, maybe stupid. At this point, it reminds me of people in literature. Who should have read the required books and used sparks or cliff notes? It could be a way to fake your way through a conversation. 

Now let's pop over to a different blog that I have yet to stop by, not on a regular base. I'm going to say "Hi" over at THIS AND THAT, and I found this blog through BOHEMIAN VALHALLA.

Both of my clients have appointments in Sandpoint this week. One on Tuesday and the other one on Thursday.

Thursday morning, I have an appointment with our local library with our tech people. To see why my Overdrive/Libby app isn't doing its thing.

I'm planning not to blog this coming Thursday or Friday. There is more to life than blogging. But I do enjoy it.

I recall watching The Deer Hunter in high school. Although I have never ever seen the entire thing. Well, I finally watched the whole thing. A long movie. The next one will be a documentary called SLAY THE DRAGON

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. I would have loved that exhibit!!!!! I just saw a whole special today on the masks they wear in Venice for carnival time.

  2. Hi, thanks for stopping by. I also saw the story on the Venice masks. Interesting, especially why Rome banned them when they took over Venice. I've seen the deer hunter a couple times but not for decades. It's intense. I'm always up for coffee.

  3. Masks are fascinating. We saw lots when we were in Venice eight years ago.
    Some were absolutely stunning.

  4. You’re really expanding your interests, aren’t you?

    Those masks …. Not quite sure what I think of them

  5. I would love to see a drag show! I've seen the men in their costumes, so fancy and so pretty, a couple of years ago when there was a drag show at a hotel very close to my home, but I didn't see the show because I was there having dinner with some friends I used to work with. I like masks too.

  6. Great exhibit, and make that mask. The materials are simple, the possibilities are endless. Some of the boys do know how to dress,

  7. I have no desire to see a drag show but I understand that a lot of people love them. As part of our continuing culture war in Oklahoma the legislature is working on a law to make drag shows and cross dressing illegal.

  8. Love musicals! What a treat and a great bucket list item!

  9. I find masks very scary!

  10. I find those kinds of masks creepy. I have crocheted a mask, more a Halloween-y thing to cover the top half of my face. It's what I'm wearing in my avatar. I don't think that counts towards what you're talking about, though.

  11. Those masks are super cool and amazing, that is quite the artform!

  12. You will have to share pics of the mask you create.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...