Saturday, February 18, 2023

Today Is Saturday February 18 2023, This Is What Happen


I try A.I briefly today. At this point, I am still determining what all the fuss is about. So here is a question I asked A.I "What is the advantage of using a bullet Journal?"....Bullet journaling is a method of journaling that can be tailored to individual preferences and needs. Here are some potential advantages of using a bullet journal:

  1. Organization: Bullet journaling can help you stay organized by allowing you to keep track of tasks, events, and appointments in one place.

  2. Flexibility: The bullet journaling method is flexible and can be adapted to meet your unique needs. You can use it to track your goals, habits, and personal projects.

  3. Creativity: Bullet journaling can also be a creative outlet. You can customize your journal with different layouts, designs, and colors to make it more visually appealing.

  4. Mindfulness: Writing in a bullet journal can be a mindfulness practice, helping you to stay present and focused on the present moment.

  5. Productivity: By tracking your tasks and goals, you may be more motivated to complete them and feel a sense of accomplishment as you check them off your list.

  6. Reflection: Bullet journaling can also serve as a reflective practice. By looking back on your entries, you can gain insights into your habits, emotions, and experiences.

Overall, the advantage of using a bullet journal is that it can help you stay organized, productive, and mindful while also serving as a creative outlet and reflective practice.

If I remember I will let it do a blog post for me. It will be the last day of February.

I have been using my bullet journal more. I would make up one and never really keep track of anything. Hardly! Still could do better. But I'm improving on my documenting in my bullet journal.

Murphy thought he could quit the gabapentin. Well, he was doing it slowly. His leg became like wet noodles. And had to be studied as he got out of the tub.

I read newspapers. PAGES 8 AND 9. The letter titled "Glimpse Into Idaho Future" caught my eye. I wish someone tell me why Idaho is so far to the right.

I'm about ready to come, a hermit. Glad I have plenty of projects to do when I retire.

Once retirement comes. Thought of making some yard sales when the weather gets warmer. It is all the right-wing nationalism. Politics shouldn't enter into it is to have a yard sale or not.

The photos are from PLATEAU PICTORIAL BEADWORK at the MAC.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.

Editor Note...Grammarly had some issues with A.I chatbox


  1. You're brave to let the AI write a blog post for Feb28!

  2. That was quite interesting about AI. What will it come up with for your blog post, I wonder.

  3. AI is fascinating, and scary.

  4. Ah, good ole gabapentin. It didn’t help me or not very much anyway, and it caused me to smell odours that weren’t there. In my case, it was the unpleasant aroma of gasoline.

  5. You are always exploring new things, Peppy. You inspire me.

  6. I've experimented with AI virtual photos. The results are kind of off putting and disturbing to me. I hadn't tried it on writing things yet, and probably will not.

    When I worked I found bullet journalling to be very helpful to stay on top of things. Less so since I am retired.

    I like all bead work you show.

    Idaho is far right. Ultra, so is parts of Oklahoma. (Almost all parts)

  7. organized and productive? no fun at all

  8. I've never done the bullet journal thing. I think I use my blog as kind of a journal at times.

  9. I have never journaled (except for the extent that my blog can be called an online journal). Nor have I experimented with AI although I may in the near future. That beadwork is so beautiful! Alana


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...