Monday, January 30, 2023

Today Is Monday January 30 2023, This Is what Happen


I'm starting work later on in the day. Regis got a doctor's appointment in the late afternoon. So I will head over to Liz first. In the late morning.

So this morning I did my exercises.

I have been looking for some movies that ORSON WELLS was involved in. JOURNEY INTO FEAR. The library in Sandpoint has a lot larger selection of DVDs. I will check ours on Tuesday. They're closed on Sunday and Monday. The other one I would like to get is THE SPANISH EARTH.

If I can't find Journey Into Fear on DVD, I will consider the BOOK. The same goes for SPANISH EARTH. Again, I will consider reading the book.

Today art is from TANZANIA

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. I hope your Monday was a good one. Most of the time movies are better than the books.

  2. Have a great week, Peppy!

  3. To echo my comment from Sunday's post, IMDb. Search Orson Wells. It'll list all the movies he was an actor in and all the ones he directed.

  4. Yes, what Liz said, go to IMDb and search for any actor and their movies will be listed.

  5. Love the artwork.
    It’s annoying when you decide to watch a particular movie and then you can’t find it.

  6. ...this art is some much fun!


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...