Sunday, November 27, 2022

Today Is Sunday November 27 2022, This is What Happen


Today is hubby birthday he is now 72 years, Mirror image of the date he was born on. Now I have five weeks and 3 days till I officially start to easy into retirement. Or maybe 38 days sound closer.

I now told both Liz and Regis they will need to start to looking for my replacement. There a shortage of care giver and I told them if someone comes up quickly. Take them, my feeling won't be hurt. When I told Regis one of his social worker was there, so this way there wasn't know mix up. Now I need to get hold of my company and let them know of my plans.

So far I worked on my story for NaNoWroMo, which was my goal. Here is my two of

my paragraph wrote today....It Looks like they end up getting married and having a family. At this point really nothing on their trip though the time machine. By the records of John Vonce. They were only gone for about 2 hours into the 1909’s. 

Rest of Dolly's research was pretty much all the same. None of what she had told where these people went. But there is a chance to contact the current living ancestors that went though the time machine. Both Sam and Lawrence are long gone, but both had a family. Their really high probability is to find a living descent of either one. 

Still says I write like Edgar Allen Poe. At last minute I deiced to do NaNo WriMo. And did story by the seat of my pants. My goals wasn't so my words. But work on it every day in November. Doing a short story might be pulled off without an outline of some sort. Not a novel.

I went to tarot and tea at Pearl and there was about dozen of us there. My cards were coming up fairly rough. I talk to the manger about having an open creative time or retreat, on 4th Wednesday of the month starting in January.

Looks like I will be getting some package this week. One is a Christmas gift and the other is a set of water color crayons.

At this point I have something first three days of the up coming week.

Monday I have appointment with someone to help me though my affordable health insurance, since I'm not sure of exact day I will be retiring. I know my wages will be down in 2023

I'm going meet Murphy at the senior center here a little before noon.

Tuesday Regis has an doctor appointment at 7:15 in the morning. And physical therapy at 1:00 I'm going to see if Quenella want to meet for coffee around 11.

Wednesday I'm going to have my teeth clean at dentist.

Thursday physical therapy and Friday so far just regular day. At this point no medical appointment.

December I will be blogging more. Walking across the store parking lot. I almost fell on my butt.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Hari OM
    Happy Birthday to Hubby! Your countdown year has quickened - seems only yesterday you were saying it was a year till retire... now it wll be upon you and the head will spin a bit till new routines settle. Enjoy these last few weeks/days. YAM xx

  2. Happy birthday to hubby! Good to keep up the writing.

  3. Happy birthday to your husband

  4. I hope both your clients find someone they like who also likes them enough to interact with them the way you have done.

  5. I'm years from retirement yet, but I understand from people who do retire they look forward to it, and it sounds as you are! The thing is in retirement I've learned from many friends is to keep busy. Those that don't and go astrophy usually end up with lots of ills and tend not to last long.

    And don't worry about slipping and falling on your ass. Most of us that you know have one that's already cracked.

  6. Time has flown since you first mentioned easing back on work hours, Peppy!

  7. Happy birthday to your hubby! ☺

  8. That's not very long, 38 days. You keep so busy, with work and all your activities. Inspires me to get out and do some interactive stuff. I don't know if caregivers are in short supply here or not, probably so.

  9. Hope your husband had a wonderful birthday. My dad turned 71 on the 26th. Congrats on preparing for retirement.

  10. Happy belated Birthday to your Hubby!
    38 days sounds great, too.
    Dentist... after we "saved" the tram. Oh, I hate going to the dentist.
    Uh-oh, don´t fall!

  11. Happy birthday to your husband. Retirement is coming quickly for you. I'm sure you're very excited.

  12. Happy belated Birthday to your hubby! WOW, five weeks to ease into retirement, that's really progress.

  13. You seem to have it all well planned.

  14. Happy birthday to your hubby. Go to plan ahead for your retirement. Hope your clients will find good caregivers to replace you when you retire.

  15. Happy birthday to your hubby.

  16. Happy birthday to your hubby.

    All the best Jan

  17. Happy Happy Birthday to your hubby!!!!!!!

  18. Happy Birthday to your Hubby. Retirement is getting so close, I hope you ease into it enjoyably, it is a transition.

  19. Happy Birthday to your hubby!


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...