Saturday, September 17, 2022

Today Is Saturday September 19 2022, This Is What Happen.


Maybe a nice photo of sunrise might be a good way to start today post. It seem this week it was pretty much same ole thing or I was to tired to blog. Confession time...I get tired blogging about work.

Friday night I went to take a poop, and the toilet plug and water went up to the top. Took the toilet plunger and start to work on it. It wouldn't come un plug. Work on all evening and got up several time during the night. I would guess I was up every two hours. Ok I stomp it about 4 to 6 times during the night. The 2 in morning stomp I had trouble falling a sleep. So my sleep was ruff from 2 on. We went up going up to Pro X and got twisted thing to put down the toilet drain, it worked!

But it seem that Murphy got out the “list” and brought up things I done wrong. My dad was famous of doing this. Pull out from under the carpet what I did wrong. To shame me. Good golly it seem like when I grew up any mess up. The entire town know when my fart stunk. I just had to take it. Some was even pretty stupid. Like leaving a cabinet door. Keep to topic and take care of it. But my dad dirt need to be place in his private locked safe and the key to be destroyed. One would need to have plenty of place to buried his locked safe, with anyone finding the key.

Shit take care of current issue. I pretty much felt that the shame list was never on equally footing. And can be to dam long. It should be read as 1. Blah Blah or what ever. No number 2 or any other list of faults need to be list with number one, what every that is.

Over the weekend I read magazine articles. I got one off my libby app. So far I read about King Author, than about sloth in Costa Rica, and Getting there, which about school transportation. I will read a few tomorrow. Monday I will get back reading BANNED BOOK and should finish up before end of week. Not sure what will be reading next. But at this point I believe I would only consider reading a fourth of the books, possible even less.

Been thinking about Samhain and my past ancestors. Confession...Partly I'm going up to Cemetery where most of my relative is laid to rest to be some what spiteful. Although not totally. I got shamed that I didn't go up to cemetery over memorial day. And it up set some in my family that I didn't make public appearance. As long as the world see that face of all is right in my little world, or anyone else. But my pagan faith twice a year, which is first part of May and end of October. I plan to take a trip up to the cemetery and spend a little bit of time with my parents and a few other of my family or husbands. I plan to visit them and read to them. I just don't get into memorial day. It not my thing. See we pagan believe the veil is thinnest during these time period. Most pagan don't believe in so called HEAVEN OR HELL. Most pagan and my self believe REINCARNATION. My dad been gone since 1977, which been 43 years. My mom been gone since 2000, which been 22 years. I don't know if they came back and start a life lesson. So I',m not sure what there stats would be. So that one reason I will be visiting two other resting spot for the ancestors. Around the 25 of October I will be heading down to Medford Oregon.

Today art comes from MADAGASCAR and had trouble find an artist from there.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. You did well finding an artist from Madagascar.

    All the best Jan

  2. Your father read a list of your wrongdoings? That's horrible! I like the art today. I started reading "Hidden Valley Road" but don't like it much. I don't think I'll continue with it.

  3. Have a great weekend Dora

  4. Your father didn't treat you nicel. But your post today wsas fun to read. Valerie

  5. So glad you got the toilet fixed

  6. Oh I hate it when I finish something and then get criticized for how I did it. Fortunately, my wife has never done that!!
    Officially Memorial Day has been to honor our veterans who died. Everybody else just gets globbed on. We are free to honor our dead anytime we want. We don't need a special day. I think of those I lost quite frequently.

  7. I don't know where we end up after death, nobody knows. Anyway we decided for incineration as our son lives far away. Who will take care of a grave ? So my husband is already gone with the wind and one day I will follow.

  8. That's crap, your father did that, or that your relatives shame you about memorial day. Your relatives are dead, turning back to dirt and don't know if you do or don't buy expensive flowers and drop them at their graves on a particular day or another of the year. Sorry, just hate guilt tripping relatives.

  9. People who keep a list of grievances that they pull out when they're angry are the worst. Nobody's perfect. I bet you have a similar list of grievances about them.

  10. The art from Madagascar is interesting

  11. You're grown Dora. You do whatever you want. That shame game is no more. As for lists?? Holy hell mine probably reaches to the moon and back. Everybody has a list.


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Today Is Tuesday, April 30, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Last day of the month. Since it was the last day. I try to get the photo looking west from my driveway. It has been cloudy most of the da...