Sunday, September 18, 2022

Today Is Sunday September 19 2022, This Is What Happen.


I will be making my hours with the reading challenge, help raise money and awareness for THE TREVOR PROJECT. Doing the reading minute is easy enough, but raising money is anther story. But I been enjoying being part of the Trevor Project. Today I read to article from the Smithsonian; Hairy Problem, it about buffalo that was going to be use for a couple of western movie. These buffalo was put on island off California coast. End up being so inbreed. They had to add new lines and transport some of the original blood line to anther area. And Treasures Of Fossil Lake. It about one large fossil area in southwest corner of Wyoming, Northeast corner of Utah and Northwest corner of Colorado. So tomorrow I will be back reading Banned Books. I'm guess I will have this book read before Friday.

Doing a lot better. I end up doing some E.F.T, my last session with my therapist bought this up. It helps. The hardest thing is the “Set Up Sentence”

Not sure what I will be up to this up coming week. I was planning to start crochet my rag rug this week. But I just put my last color and it need time to get the wrinkle out and center crease in. Plan to redo the embroidery block I was working on. Plan to press the print on the a fabric block. And do things around the place.

Need to work on my bullet journal and plan for the up coming week. Going to watch this evening, Ken Burns THE US AND THE HOLOCAUST

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Raising money is always hard, so many people asking for donations and many more people who just can't afford to give.

  2. Good work Dora and for such a good cause! This is the first time I could access your blog fro three days!!!!! Blogger is acting up again.

  3. Good job on the reading

  4. I didn’t watch the KennBurns thing, we DVR’d it and will watch later. What did you think of it?

  5. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Following your book loving passions and The Trevor Project looks so helpful. Raising money is not easy, I know.

  6. Raising money is tough - so many "fakers" around... I wish you luck and success.

  7. That was interesting about the buffalo. Keep on reading!

  8. Good luck with the reading tomorrow!

  9. Island off California? Are you talking about Catalina? I do love Catalina.

    Enjoy the Ken Burns doc. I can't do anything Holocaust related, so I'll leave you to it.

  10. I have never been good at raising money. I'm recording the Ken Burns docs and will watch them in the next few days. Alana

  11. I hope you get a lot of donations or people interested in the cause.

  12. I'm getting a little worried..... About Peppy Lady. Too quiet.

  13. I got a response from Dora on my blog, "old fatass fart".....
    She's alive and well, just having problems with Blogger. Unable to update or comment apparently.
    Glad to hear that.
    (Even we MAGA conservatives care about our Lefty acquaintances.)


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is Monday, March 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

It been a little while since I've posted anything. Doing fine. Not all that much going on. I'm sure all of you know what going on w...