Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Today Is Wednesday August 17 2022, This Is What Happen.


I was hoping I can get away for a lease a day on the going on with our local library. Our library director RESIGN Than the insurance ends the end of September. Not going into but the last carrier is now refusing to cover us. There an up coming article in the Herald. I will share it on Friday. I'm going to our local book club and organize meeting tomorrow. On our local library.

Had coffee with Qunella, and she also working on letter to editor. And than went up to Regis. Did some general cleaning and did some errands. We went up to three mile and split a thing of french fries. And went to the book store. We got two books and I got one book, Letters Of Emily Dickerson...Editor By Mable Loomis Todd and Mark VanDoren. To find out it a rare book it was copyright in 1951 and published The World Published Company. I got it for $7.00

I'm not a fan of Liz Cheney. But a lease she is willing to stand up to Trump and his cult followers. If Trump get in oval office. I'm afraid our democracy will be tossed in to infinity. The best thing is him to head over to Russia or some place like Russia. Or get toss into the clinker (Jail)

Today artist is KOFI KAYIGA who from JAMAICA

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. I'm counting on Trump going to jail. I hope something can be worked out with your library.

  2. Trump just wont go away

  3. I hope Trump gets locked up, too! Nice art! Valerie

  4. Clinker both, T & P!

  5. US politics makes our newscasts every day. It isn’t boring, that’s for sure.

  6. LOVE todays art, so colorful; especially the last one. Agree in Liz Chaney, but am sorry to hear she didn't win in the primary. Having read a bit about the lady she ran against and she sounds as bad as trump. I vote for the Clinker and throwing away the key. He's done so much damage to this country.
    Sandy's Space

  7. Trump has real troubles right now. It’s going to get worse soon.

  8. I hope the insurance thing gets worked out.

  9. Sounds like you've been busy.


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Today Is Friday, July 26, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Don't recall when this photo was taken. I like rainbows. Some people connect to the lgbtqia plus movement. I like all colors. I remem...