Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Today Is Tuesday August 9 2022, This Is What Happen.


Just want to cool down a bit. But I grumble about being way to cold. Look like weather never make non of us happy.

Had coffee with Qunella out in Georgia plaza. We talk about the local library issue here. I told her about the INSURANCE and she wonder why. Well I honestly don' t know. But my two guess and that all they're is a guess. The tort suit against library and or the nutty people making threats against the board and or the staff. But this insurance company has drop other being drop...LINK...LINK 

Two things bothers me about Quenella is. She too, can be to optimistic and she prejudice against male. But I have my prejudice against people who tend do be regressive. Work was there. A smooth day.

I assume the rest of you heard of Trumps place being raided. It still amazes me how many people here is so much for Trump. There the LORDSHIP CHURCH there pushing about our local library here. They part of REDOUBT NEWS or contribute to it. One of Quenella neighbors goes to that church. Well lady husband died and she remarried. Well she say some of her kids dress in colors of MARTHAS all covered up. There LIST with the Southern Poverty Law Center.

I find interesting reading Woman Voices. Old journal and letters was usually done by people of weath. These people were educated by tutors or governance. So female were limited to type of writing. They were pretty much epistolary writing. Female really didn't have an EDUCATION . These are some first female AUTHOR in America.

Today artist is KAMEL OL MOLK from IRAN

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Love today's artist! Talk about the heat! Our cooling unit was down for a complete week before anyone could come install the new one . Talk about hot and irritable. Thanks heavens that finally got don today...just in time for a big cool down this week.

    Of course.

  2. ...it would be nice to bottle up some of this heat for January and February.

  3. To 80 % I complain about the rainy and cool weather here, but this year I complain about the heat ! Never had such high temperatures for so long ! Trump is only a hero for ignorant people who don't read and write, so they believe everything what he shouts.

  4. You know, this isn't going to be the first time that trump's residence has a warrant served on it. When you break the law, things like that happen.

  5. And today he sat for a deposition in NY and took the 5th amendment in response to every question.

  6. The news out of the U.S. is always about Trump.

  7. Nice art. It is sad that women weren't educated then.

  8. I try to think about the opposite season when I'm not enjoying the weather. I'm imagining winter now, and thinking about how cold it was and how I would have enjoyed this heat then. Does it help? No, not really.


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Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  When I change cameras, I usually have trouble pulling the photo off the camera onto the laptop. Not this time.   Murphy and I clean some...