Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Today Is Wednesday May 25 2022, This Is What Happen

Yesterday afternoon I went to our bi annual meeting for company I work for. And once I came home my husband told me about the mass shooting in grade school in Texas. For now I will only say Statement and Question time...Could someone please tell me why we American are so fascinated by guns.

We have this device and not sure what the little thing is actually called. It gives up a code and when we home-care worker sign in. It to cut down on abuse and fraud. It suggest that client secure there device to to something. Like the fridge handle. Well anyone can get something to cut it off with. Anyone one can take device any where and sign in. At this time social workers and other help that one client is getting. They don't have to sign in with one of these stupid device. I wonder actual how much it really cuts down on abuse and fraud. Verse cost.

Company I work uses K1 1044 FORM so we're responsible for our own taxes. Well to find out there some in company never filled taxes. Well we need to send in the two first pages of our federal taxes. And our state taxes. Well someone could fill out a tax form and get a copy of there so called taxes, and said they file. So they got hold of some employees who no longer working for company, and said they never file or paid in there taxes. There some who don't have asset for the I.R.S to latch on to. So the employees of the company since it a partnership the I.R.S can come after the reminding employees. More of bureaucracy I'm so glad I'm this close to retiring. It rumor that we will be getting a raise. If I'm making over $45 an hour I will consider staying on. There plenty do around here.

Got my second booster today. I had an appointment at 3:45. But I got off work a little earlier. Went got small bite out of deli. Than went over to pharmacy and ask if I could possible have my booster a half hour early. Actual I could of got when Regis did a noon. As I was talking to pharmacy I made comment I see people are fighting to get there vax. Fully vax here is 38.45% and state is 56.66% One thing I notice more people had mask on today.

I heard that Alaska Pilot might be going on strike, and had to look it, to see if TRUE or not. In generally I don't purchase thing from certain companies. Like those on strike, connected with Russia, and or those mistreat there workers. I like to sport those who care general about human rights.

If your wondering why brought this up. Alaska is the only way I can fly into Medford Ore. I will get hold of my son or daughter in-law how I will protect our seats.

I got a few things from the dollar store yesterday for yard. Think I'm going to put them out.

Today artist is MARTA COLVIN who is from CHILE

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. That was awful in Texas, just awful. It would be nice if you could get a raise!

  2. I’m glad you got your booster

  3. Why are we so fascinated by guns?!?!?!?!?! I wish I knew. It's as puzzling as why neither party is working together or forcing through with far stricter guidelines and legislation to end this nightmare, instead of offering lots of talk, prayers and deep thoughts. Work together and pass it. It's not rocket science. People don't like stronger gun control. Too bad too sad.

  4. Crazy dangerous world. Too many people with severe issues and guns.

  5. I really hope this time something gets done to reduce the numbers of guns held by people who just don't need them. Especially assault weapons, they're just not necessary outside of defence forces.

  6. Good on 2nd booster

  7. Dora, here it´s knives, and mostly by the "refugees welcome" our stupid Chancellor Merkel invited.
    With a knive you have to go near, a gun is for "chicken" and easier to use. My opinion.
    The question remains: Why kill people.

    Blogger has the hickups again, coming in via google... :-(

  8. The shooting was terrible, the world is getting to be a very scary place. Valerie

  9. Anonymous2:35 AM

    That's great that received the booster vaccine. Why are people suddenly concerned about Covid when they didn't seem to care?

  10. I wish I had an answer to why people love their guns. Americans worship them and it's destroying the country. These mass murders make me angry. Glad you got your 2nd booster, got mine last week and didn't have any reaction which was nice. Thanks for the visit. Good luck, hope you get a raise.

  11. The second booster is still restricted mostly to seniors here. I forget that but am glad to have received it.


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Today Is Monday, May 13, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Took my morning walk. As I was walking, Murphy was doing his chair yoga.  As for domestic chores, I   loaded and unloaded the dishwasher and...