Monday, January 24, 2022

Today Is January 24 2022, This Is What Happen.


Got up this morning at 7, nothing new about that. Watch news on C.B.S and Democracy Now, had my morning coffee, did my morning stretches. I'm back to increasing them. And unload the dish washer before I went to work.

Work was quite, try to get state for Regis. He needs letter stating the amount he receive for his age, disability, and blind. It something like $35 dollars. But his re certification is due for his apartment. He pays some where around a third or fourth of his income. I think his income is around $875 a month.

Went over to Liz. Did up some dishes, laundry, and general stuff. Liz get the same amount as Regis.

It quite common for my client to sell some of there medication on black market. It helps them though the month. There sure not getting rich off it. I only had one client who didn't sell part of there pills.

So this evening I watched PBS news hour.

Taking off tomorrow from blogging. This afternoon we had some bigger snow flakes come down. Didn't last long. Quickly turn into rain.

Today artist is W LANGDON KIHN and he from NEW YORK

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Interesting they sell some of their pills

  2. Your art selection for today is very pretty and not something I see much of.

    Enjoy your few snowflakes ad day away.

  3. Sad that those who require Rx meds feel the need to have to sell some of them to make the ends meet on their Disability incomes, but it doesn't surprise me in the least. Enjoy your day off.

  4. Sorry that some have to sell their meds to get through the month. Valerie

  5. I like the paintings. It is sad that some of your clients have to sell their medication on black market to help them get through the month. Enjoy your day off.

  6. I imagine the same happens here with people selling some of the meds. What I do know is that some don’t fill their prescriptions because they can’t afford them.

  7. Sad that 5bey have to sell their meds to get by.

  8. Terrible that they have to sell their pills, but I completely understand why. *shakes head*

  9. I agree, it is really sad they have to sell their meds to make ends meet.

  10. Very sad that they sell some of their medication/pills.
    I liked todays artist choice.

    All the best Jan

  11. That is not a lot to live on.

  12. When people have to sell their meds on the black market to survive there is something dreadfully wrong in this world.
    Your pictures are very good.

  13. It's no wonder things go wrong if they don't take their medications because they have sold them. There has to be a better way.


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Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  When I change cameras, I usually have trouble pulling the photo off the camera onto the laptop. Not this time.   Murphy and I clean some...