Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Today Is Wednesday January 26 2022, This Is What Happen.


Tuesday I made plan not to blog, and usual I do a well being report. I try to keep my calorie count between 1,600 and 1,800 calorie. And try to get best nutrition for the calories. Or one could say best bang for calories. This week my average daily in take for calories is 2,153.

Fat, 8.31 tablespoon (106.3 grams) Carbs, 16.98 tablespoon (217.1 grams of) and last one will be fiber 1.23 Tablespoon(15.8 grams) Let look at something my carbs intake needs attention. Might as well say I'm eating a cup a sugar.

I start to walk once again. It look like most of roads in town are bare pavement. Around here still slick. Afraid of falling.

My walk start from Old Safeway store parking lot. The building has asbestos in it. So it can't be rent out or taken out.

This morning I got text at 7 in the morning for Regis.

Regis: Peppy, Can you come & take me home.

Me: I just got up. I will be in between 9:00 and 9:30

Regis: Never mind, Brenton is coming to take me home.

Than I'm going to slit my wrist.

Regis I'm never going back.

(I got copy these text and send them off to his therapist)

He was at Liz over night and her ex husband showed up. So I worked my regular shift. So late afternoon when I got home. More text

Regis: I called the hospital and asked what they do with severe depression. I was told that you get an exam, than you're either send home or send to KMC (Kootenai Medical Center)

( His phone speaker doesn't work well, so I doubt he even called. Our town hospital doesn't have psych ward. All mental cases is send down to KMC. If he is bad he would go to KMC.)

Me: Sorry. Don't what to say or do

Regis: I have 1 out

Me: What?

This isn't first time he does things like this. I'm sure the cops and who every will be at his house tonight.

Regis can have a lot of self pity at times. I think we all do at times. I have I over not college degree. So once I cut back my hours next year or following year. I plan to take some classes. Don't know if they'll be college credit or not. See there the cost and I'm not sure where I would have to go. I know there on line classes now.But I'm sure I could figure out something.

Been working on my creative things. I cut few strips for a quilt. Help hubby fold some laundry. Today retirement couldn't come fast enough.

Trying to figure out a doctor bill. So I need to go back though our bank account. Dealing with bureaucrats  can be mind bogging. 

The last two photo is the tan house looking building is fabric store, But years ago someone lived there and had it all decked out during Christmas time. Maybe our local museum might have a photo of it. But they played Christmas tune on load speaker. The other building was a car garage for I believe is Chevrolet. Now it a brew and place to eat. Food isn't bad there. 

Today artist is BEN LONG and he from SOUTH CAROLINA

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. You really have your hands full with Regis

  2. Scary with Regis. I worry about things like that, even if he's threatened before.

  3. I have a long way to go till retirement, but some days, it sounds good!!!! I agree with the comments here, you have your hands full with Regis. You're a good soul.

  4. Never a dull moment with your clients.

  5. I hope Regis settles down.
    Why is a college degree so important? At this stage in your life I don't think it would make any difference and not be worth the trouble and cost. You couldn't use it to get a better paying job, since you are winding down to retirement. You are managing fine without one.

  6. Regis is behaving badly, hope he gets more quiet. Valerie

  7. You sure are strict with your food.
    And boy. I could not do your job, it´s tough....

  8. Looks like your clients think you are on call 24/7 think you have an attention seeker there. Glad I don't do your job as I would have very little patience.

  9. The situation with Regis is tough. Retirement can’t come soon enough.

  10. You have a very tough and stressful job. I hope he is feeling better.

  11. I agree with the others too, Regis is more than a handful, dang. You should check around on the education thing, here in South Carolina college courses (non degree earning) are free for seniors.

  12. Regis is a difficult Read for sure, you never really can be sure if it's a desperate plea or a passing thought, either way, suicidal ideology is a tough thing for anyone else to sort out and know when an intervention is going to be helpful.

  13. If you go to college now, go for your enjoyment and edification. What would you enjoy learning about? No education is wasted if it improves your mind.

  14. Regis, a difficult client. Mental illness, if only it could be conquered in our lifetimes. For you to bear this burden, and in general for the support not to exist, yes, retirement can't come quickly enough. Alana

  15. You poor thing. Mental illness is never easy on the one afflicted or their careers
    I hope he gets some help from specialists

  16. I think depression is the worst disease, if you have a cancer or a broken leg at least your know what you have, with depressions it's very difficult, it's like a roller coaster and hopefully don't fall down !

  17. Some local community college classes are free for senior citizens. Be sure to check with yours. Maybe you can get degree for little or no money.


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Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  When I change cameras, I usually have trouble pulling the photo off the camera onto the laptop. Not this time.   Murphy and I clean some...