Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Today Is Wednesday November 17 2021, This Is What Happen

 Got back safely and slept really to hard.  My husband had prescription of Trazodone for a sleep aid for my husband. It didn't work for him at all. So a few times I've taken it. When I want to sleep really hard. But I can't say it best sleep aid. Usually I have no trouble sleeping in general. But a day of flying and driving home. I was worried I might of been tensed. So I took one of the trazodone. Went to sleep and slept to 4 AM, anyhow I was in bed by 9PM. Three reason I woke up because my dream ended. Don't recall dream. Than my brain start to go and couldn't shut it down. And the last thing had to get up and pee. Couldn't go back to sleep so around 6 or so I finely went back to sleep. Had to get up at 7 for work. 

Made to work, Liz isn't home. Took Regis to his doctor appointment. Regular chores around Regis place. 

It been a while since I balance out our finances. 

Start a painting down in Oregon, I think I mention that as I was gone. Well it not done and I'm not sure what I want to do with it.

Coffee is on and stay safe 


  1. Travelling makes you tired. Glad you got some sleep. Vacations are great, but they can wear you out, too.

  2. I always find getting home again is the best part of travelling, not that I have travelled much anyway. I hope Liz remembers to go home.

  3. Travelling is exhausting

  4. Glad you are safely back home! Valerie

  5. I hate those nights when my brain is working overtime. Hope you have a peaceful sleep tonight.

  6. Glad you’re home and safe.

  7. Sleeping is an issue for me, too.

  8. I'm glad you made it home safe and sound. Yes, traveling is very tiring!

  9. Travelling can be very tiring, pleased to read you are home safe and sound.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Saturday, May 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Thought I would blog before now. My emotions are all over the place. Having trouble sorting them out. I found out my friend had died, which...