Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Today Is Tuesday November 23 2021, This Is What Happen

 It been a little over month since, I got some hours in with Liz. Not much about and hour and half. It something. Than the rest of day I finished out with Regis. Afterward I went and got the copies of paper work for Energy and water assistance. Than mail it off. I figure they should get around Monday the 29th. Our local community action been close since covid. I'm sure it will work out. After Thanksgiving, which is Friday I will work on my health insurance. Though the "Affordable Care Act" 

I told Regis that we would go to library on Monday. I have a morning dentist appointment and late afternoon booster of Moderna. So I could use some hours and it looks like Library will be open on Saturday. 

My last therapy session we worked on cooping skills. I told him about being anxious of conversation going toward my son cancer. Time before we discussed grieve. I thought grieve was for someone who died. But I learn it can be a divorce, lost of home, job lost. illness and such. One of the tools I gain was to put your problems in a container. Some uses boxes, trunks, rooms in house. Mine is a safety deposit boxes. Even some of safety deposit boxes can even have positive things in it. 

Well Bart called and gave us the detail on Thanksgiving dinner. He said he considering proton treatment for his cancer. I know it up to him and his wife. I know Cancer treatment has came a long away. But it still doesn't help the anxiety. I had to look up kid version of proton.  So on the 3rd is my next appointment with my therapist. 

I been cleaning off the twin bed sewing/computer room. I'm giving Quennela the twin bed.  After work I went of tread mill for a little bit. Today artist is FRANCIS ERNEST JACKSON 

Coffee is on and stay safety 


  1. I’m a cancer survivor. I am very familiar with the anxiety. I can’t tell you everything will be fine. But medical science is a wonderful thing, and your son is getting excellent care. I hope he will be ok.

  2. I've never heard of proton therapy but sounds out of this world and new age at the same time. I sure hope it does the trick. I wish you a happy thanksgiving. Is Bart the son in Medford?

    1. Bart lives in Spokane Valley and Sawyer lives in Medford. Although it not there real name.

  3. I used to think grief was only for someone dying but now I know it is for any kind of loss. I hope the proton treatment works, perhaps he means protein? I shall google.

  4. Here is what I found: "Like x-ray radiation, proton therapy is a type of external-beam radiation therapy. It painlessly delivers radiation through the skin from a machine outside the body." So it is Proton not protein, my mistake there.
    There is a whole lot more, a whole page of stuff to read about it, but it seems like a good way to get treated.

  5. Sounds like you are learning a lot in therapy. All the best to Bart.

  6. Anonymous1:09 AM

    It must be such a worry about Bart. Fingers crossed that all will be well.

  7. You have lots of different problems to deal with. I hope your therapist can help! Have a great day! Valerie

  8. I hope that you can get a little bit of peace. You have a lot going on.

  9. Dealing with someone with cancer is very stressful. I'm glad your counselor is helping you.

  10. I am a cancer survivor too so I understand the anxiety. The therapy sessions sound like they are working out so that's a good thing. We're all sending well wishes to Bart.

  11. I hope your son is doing well. I know that doesn't help you, but at least you can be confident that his doctors know what they're doing.

  12. Lovely paintings. I hope the proton treatment works well for your son. May peace be upon you and family members.

  13. Cancer stinks. A loved one with it is so stressful. I hope your therapist can help you through this.


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Today Is Saturday, May 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Thought I would blog before now. My emotions are all over the place. Having trouble sorting them out. I found out my friend had died, which...