Saturday, October 02, 2021

Today Is Saturday October 2 2021, This Is What Happen.

It seems like I don't have much to post about. I should be thankful. Nothing outages, awful, horrible and that crap hasn't happen. My life seems to be go to work and keep my self from not cracking up. I don't understand people or some. Think I'm cool as cucumber and to my self  I feel basket case. That full of nuts. And biggest cracked one.

Yesterday Bart got to come home. They sure don't keep you in hospital much these days. He went in on the 3oth of September and got release on Oct 1. He will be resting and I know they have him on some type of pain killer and he isn't fan of them. And anti seizer medication. Now we're waiting for news from the tumor. I hope it nothing. 

Hubby and I went grocery shopping. Low number of mask wearers. Last figure I have for vaccinated people in state of Idaho, 41.% is fully vaccinated. And my county of Boundary the rate is at 28.4% fully vaccinated. It slowly going up to third. Ran into a couple who are friends with us. Earl and Deja who been vaccinated. We got talking about vaccination in general. I barely recall polio, but Murphy, Earl and Deja remember polio. And Murphy recall getting in long line by local hospital to get polio vaccine. Earl was in military for 20 years and maybe more.  And he belongs to local chapters of military groups and he is only one he knows that actual been vaccinated. I know if you list in military one first thing they do is that they vaccinate right off. When my booster is due, I will go and get it. 

One of the things bothers me about my job. Is I really don't do that much, general things like house keeping and remind my client about general life things like wash your teeth, comb your hair and etc. Actual around my home I do more. Both of them watch quite bit of Televsion. Liz seem to just sit. It would drive me bonkers. I would be scared what could float into my mind. General I don't have to many demonic thoughts. 

I went around and pick broken wind whirls and solar lights. Soon I mean next week I like to pick up rest of my summer yard decoration. And start putting out Halloween and fall things. When kids were young I decorated for all most of holidays. I actually enjoy celebrating all the holidays. 

Hubby and I did some chores around the place. Put a new oil filter on my car. My car is starting to go though the oil. So a new filter was put on and add a little more oil. Pick up the bricks that was holding down the roof on shed/garage. And stacked them behind barn/shed. Clean my car out. Not sure but might go into town tomorrow and vacuum it out.  In a little bit we will wrap up some meet. Got out a new fabric tote to go though and update, grey.

Sawyer my oldest son wants us to come down to Halloween. Well we should let him know in near very future.

Editor time...Change my theme.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. You should go for Halloween, a little family time would be good. All our best to Bart.

  2. I like the new blog look. Very October.

  3. Good that Bart is home they really don’t keep you long in hospital.

  4. I love your new header and the purple background. I hope news from the tumor is non-malignant. The seizure medications are very important after brain surgery.
    You do good work to help others in there homes, but I can imagine how unsatisfying it is to see someone just sit all day and doing nothing. Grey is not my favourite color.

  5. Good that Bart is home, hopefully it will all be sorted soon and he can start on the road to full recovery
    Love the purple
    Granny square is the first crochet project I even made and usually the first for most people it’s very easy find a you tube and give it a go. A great stash buster project

  6. Hope you have some time to decorate for Halloween, I used to do a lot but always have something - it's my favourite time of year. Glad Bart is home safe.

  7. I like your new color theme for your blog!! And, I hope you have a good time for the month of Halloween!!

  8. Anonymous12:09 AM

    The thing with changing you theme is that people don't remember what your old one was.

  9. I am glad that Bart is home. I like your new BLOG look.

  10. I’m glad Bart Is home. You should go visit Sawyer

  11. Idaho and Oklahoma have pretty similar rates for vaccination. I got my third the other day.

  12. I like your new blog look. Perfect for Halloween - are you going to have seasonal themes going forward? Happy Bart is home although - a one night stay for that type of surgery - hope it wasn't because they needed the bed for someone. Hoping the results are good ones. I got my booster Wednesday. Alana

  13. Glad Bart is home and hope good news follows. Love your Halloween layout.

  14. I like your new theme.

    I'm glad your son was able to come home and I hope the results are good news.

  15. You keep busy for sure, Dora.

    Glad Bart is home. Keeping good thoughts for the test result.

  16. Good that Bart is home, I do hope the test results are good.

    Sending positive thoughts and good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Tuesday, May 14, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I just noticed that today would have been my Grandfather Clarence's Birthday. If he were alive, he would be old. Okay! He would have ...