Friday, October 08, 2021

Today Is Friday October 8 2021, This Is What Happen

 I tried one letter to see what small print would look like. To small. So I figure the font and such will be up the right side of the scarecrow. If I have time over weekend I might see if I can hunt down Halloween theme for my blog.

I thought it would be cool to add a few scarecrows to my Halloween décor. I believe I pick this up at thrift store down in Post Fall less than $2.00. Here bit on history of SCARECROWS. They been around for a long time. Confession time...I always want to a scarecrow and place it in garden, or flower bed. 

Work both place finish my day with Regis. I'm coming down with crud. Feel slightly congested in bronchial tubes, although not bad. No need to go to the doctor. I been vaccinated and I know I can get covid. Although I like keep my odds down ending up in hospital. 

I don't believe I talk much about occults. I don't believe there a true definition of occult. Quite a few times I seen people toss word freely about if they didn't agree on your life style, political or religious stance. Than it was consider a occult of some form or other. I'm starting to come to conclusion a occult is letting or being comfortable having someone and or organization be completely be in control of your free will. The reason I bought this up. Liz daughter sound like she is letting her Mormon faith turn it in a occult. She text her mom, daughter went on rambling on about the sinful side of her mom. Sure we all have short comings. Never heard Liz tell lie, and her daughter had state take her older kids from her. She is has been turning her life around, remarried to what seems to be nice guy.  I have really no problems with majority of religion. I won't be coming to your door and to convert you to paganism. 

Hubby went doctor and had them look at his boil, it healing just fine. Also my husband has overly active lymph on his left side of his neck. When over active he takes decongestion something like Benadryl.  

I know hubby is talking about going up to dump tomorrow and to haul garbage. I will grab the few items out of barn/shed. To put in back of pick up.  

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Gosh hope you feel better soon

  2. I would love to have a scarecrow in my garden, but it would have to be metal to withstand the weathering over the seasons. And I could repaint when it got too shabby.

  3. Hope you soon feel better, look after yourself. A scarecrow in the garden would be fun! Valerie

  4. Hope you feel better!!!

  5. Take care and feel better soon.
    Our local hospital is now an exposure site. Someone went into emergency and has tested positive to covid
    It’s a mad mad world out there at the moment. Stay safe

  6. I've wanted to create an entire fake family, to move around the house and whose outlines would freak out some of the nosier neighbors. Be fun!

  7. I’ve seen a lot of cultist behavior in the religious right lately. Also in politics.

  8. So much of what we hear and see today looks like a cult. How people can believe some of the unusual things is beyond me.

  9. I like scarecrows! Feel better soon Dora.

  10. Have a good rest and hope you speedy recovery. I have seen scarecrows in paddy fields but they are not cute like the one you have here.

  11. To some people I know, everything is a cult. Mormons, Catholics, Seventh Day Adventists, blah, blah, blah. To me if you want to put a group down call it a cult.

  12. I belonged to a church for well over 10 years and started to feel it had cult like qualities and left. I know many religious of all denominations can be good people so now just follow my nose and don't worry too much about turning up somewhere to get a stamp of approval. My family were pagan through three or more generations and I am leaning back towards it myself now - it's peaceful, common sense and feels natural.

  13. Occult or cult? What you described sounded more like a cult to me. Scary stuff.

    Sorry you're getting the crud. Hope it's of short duration.

  14. I like the scarecrows too, they all have such unique personalities!


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Today Is Friday, May 17, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Our primary is this coming Tuesday, May 21 st . To me the primary is more important than the general election here in Idaho. It mainly ...