Friday, October 29, 2021

Today Is Friday October 29 2021, This Is What Happen


This blog post chance several time. I had plan to share the tarot card that represent hubby and my great grandfathers on our paternal side. But I ended up grabbing the wrong card. So look like I will start tomorrow. I know I won't finish up posting about Samhain by October 31st. Liz made this and I thought it's great, and now it on my fridge. She a great sketcher and I like to see her do an exhibit. She has some great art talent. 

This was going to be my last post about my ancestors. It was going to be brief statement on my ethnicity. A large portion of my family came from tribes of BRITON not sure which ones. I have some ideal which ones. Than the Anglo Saxon came in and had relationship with the local tribes people. I'm guessing it was both way force and consented. Some says the Anglo Saxon is root of White Supremacy. Confession time...I still make fun and snide remarks about groups like Aryan Brotherhood, Proud boys, Klu Klux Klan and others like them.  Or like in story or movie "To Kill A Mockingbird" the family like "Ewell" I make snide remarks about them. Than the last main leg of my ethnicity would be the Vikings.

Not sure what I will be doing over the weekend. Have a few possible ideals on what I might do. Statement time... I find my job boring. Run client around, remind them to bath and such, and do basic house hold chores. I look forward for weekend so I can be more active. Question time...Why would anyone just want to set and stare into space? My client just set. It would drive me buggy. Liz does a lot more than Regis.

Regis appointment is set up for his colonoscopy and endoscopy. Unless something strange happens. it will be done Monday November 1 in afternoon. 

Coffee is on and stay safe.   


  1. That is a beautiful sketch by Liz. Love to see more sketches from her. Hope you get to relax and enjoy your weekend.

  2. The sketch is wonderful. I once worked with someone who could just sit and do nothing, every lunchtime after she finished her sandwich she would just sit still until the bell went to get back to work. I would read my book and other women would do some knitting or crossword puzzle.

  3. The Halloween pumpkin drawing is delightful! I'm sure our job must sometimes be boring, but your clients need you. Hang on til retirement! Have a great weekend, Valerie

  4. A few weeks indoors are driving me crazy at this point. I will be out in nature as long as my health allows.

  5. Liz art is amazing. Your job sounds very important to me, maybe undervalued.

  6. The drawing is delightful.

  7. I have a lot of English ancestry also and some Danish and a lot less Irish than what I once believed.

  8. We come from Welsh and Irish peasants from the British and Irish isle's

  9. That is a nice sketch. Yes, boring work is no fun and it sure makes time slow to a crawl.

  10. I like the pumpkin sketch :) insn't it great that so many people are inspired to be creative when Halloween comes around :)

  11. That is a great sketch. Liz has some great talent. Does she sketch often? I do like to sit sometimes, but I know what you mean about sitting around all the time.


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Today Is Friday, May 17, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Our primary is this coming Tuesday, May 21 st . To me the primary is more important than the general election here in Idaho. It mainly ...