Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Today Is Wednesday September 8 2021, This Is What Happen

 I will get to doctor appointment at last paragraph, it almost one in afternoon in North Idaho. Appointment is at 4. I'm guess I'm last patient or next to last. 

So for now I'm going to challenge my self to a JOURNAL PROMPT, still going first grade ones. I'm going to take on number 10...If I was pet, I would be a kind and one that listen, and I would hope to an otter. To bring joy and laughter to others, including my self.  Otter have fun and I like to be joyfully, happy, active both physical and mental. Confession time...Still having trouble with my mental state, although slowly changing for the better. I have no ideal what I would need for care. I know as otter they like the water.  And also not sure how social they are. I could imagine two or more otter could be as fun as barrel of monkeys. 

I did finish up my version of Sagittarius in Pluto. Don't have any photo in my main camera. I will share some creative things. I haven't done much. But I got some fabric press and ready to cut. The issue if I set all that much I start to think or spend to much time in my own head. Well now I now I need to cut them into strips, 2.5 inch across and 10 inch long. Not sure when I will be getting to them. I been watch eco friendly dying paper and fabric from nature gifts. I would like to try it. 

Got my nose swap and what weird feeling. The doctor didn't think I have covid. Just possible a cold or slight irritation by the smoke. But most smoke is up in higher range. Confession time...I wouldn't went to doctor to get a test over the common cold. Liz only has one working lung. Hasn't been vaccinated, and takes no precaution for virus. Non masker. She would have a harder time on ventilator.  Didn't want to be the culprit and was the direct link that gave her it. Well good news is I don't have covid. Anyhow we're the  HOT SPOT area for Covid. We're running OUT OF BEDS. Still you see plenty of unmask people and out in community. Finely 27% of area is fully vaccinated. 

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. I’m glad you don’t have COVID. But running out of hospital beds is scary, A lot of people run out and get vaccinated when they become afraid.

  2. Glad you tested negative for Covid, but good that you always wear a mask. Valerie

  3. Anonymous12:29 AM

    You did the right and responsible thing by being tested.

  4. I’m glad you don’t have covid and good on you for doing the right thing
    I wouldn’t want anyone’s death on my conscious
    Still don’t understand the anti vaxxers and those that still think covid is all a big joke

  5. I am glad and relieved that you don't have covid. Over here, we are also struggling with hospitals running out of beds and ventilators. Covid is starting to claim more younger lives.

  6. Good you have just one cold. You're so kind to keep your clients and family members protected by checking.

  7. Thank goodness you don't have Covid - you are so sensible and responsible to get checked and to take such good care of those around you - I hope you feel better soon - if you like a drink, whisky, honey and GINGER has to be the best thing and gargle with salt - please do - it really works. if you can get fresh ginger root and just boil it in water with some sugar that will be good for you too :)

  8. Glad you don't have covid.

  9. Hooray for NOT having Covid, that's always the best thing to hear these days.

  10. Glad to hear you don't have Covid. Better safe than sorry, though. Of course continue to mask and take precautions. I would hate to bring Covid to someone else, too.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...