Thursday, September 09, 2021

Today is Thursday September 9 2021, This Is What Happen

 Life seems not to go at pace I want or need it to. In all honestly I plan to have completed my sketch book project. "Pluto going though 12 Zodiac Sign" My view of history and generation blessing and or curse. 

This is Sagittarius going though Pluto. Which at this it time to call out social issue(s). My social issue "The United States Medical System" Question time...What issue would you like to speak up about? I do have other issue I would also speak loudly for or against.  When Pluto going though Capricorn is how to solve such or any issue. Confession time...It bother me when politicians complain what wrong but offer no solution to issue. I lease offer and ideal. How I think the medical system or a one payer system should work. Doesn't matter the income no one should receive free medical care. We all should pay 1 to 3% of our income, including  those who on retirement pension. Not sure who would pay at what percentage. But than I believe that we all should take some responsibility in our health choices. If we make health choice and live a healthy life style. Possible a cash medical stimulus at end of year. I know there kinks in my ideal. Statement time...It doesn't take much to be totally ruin by medical bill here in United States.

Still embroidering on the 3rd of 12 blocks quilt for Claudia. Lot time during the news I will stitch a bit. All of my Granddaughter will get twin size sampler block quilt. Hopefully before they all graduate from High School. 

Went back to work and quickly ran up and got Turkey Sandwich from the BREAD BASKET. Certain place I get it to go and other place I will dine in. It all how it set up. This place done nothing to protect their staff or patrons. It one local business own by a ANABAPTISM. I guess some of branches believe in vaccination and other don't. There going to better place when it all done and said. We have family next door and you couldn't ask for better neighbors. I took my sandwich done to the park and ate it.

Coffee is on and stay safe 


  1. Percentage of wages is how our medicare system works. Every working person pays, but I don't remember how much. One thing wrong with our system is dental is not covered, so many poorer people have bad teeth or lost teeth.

  2. Your sandwich looks great! We have a very good health-care system here, which is important. Stay safe! Valerie

  3. We have a system where everyone pays three percent of their wages. And we get free healthcare that is paid from that money
    I’d happily pay more I BELIVE you shouldn’t get the healthcare you can afford but the best there is to offer no matter how rich or poor you are

  4. In Belgium the healthcare is good. From your salary the health insurance is automatically deducted and when you are ill you get nearly the whole amount of the invoice back.

  5. I've been wondering how you have been. Glad you stopped by!

  6. ...for the most part Anabaptists here are not vaccinated and that is a problem.

  7. With so few people vaccinated there, lunch outdoors was a good idea.

  8. Don’t get me started on what’s wrong with our medical system …

  9. Hari OM
    Interesting topic about medicare... As River says, OZ has a percentage (last I was there, it was 1.5%). In the UK the NHS was set up as a government organisation... and just this week the Westminster crew decided that a percentage payment by all ought to be introduced. Brits seem to think this is wholly unfair, no understanding that actually it is the fairest system of all. In OZ, those who earn less than a certain amount (I think $11k) don't pay and there is no reason that couldn't be introduced here. Hey ho...

    Thanks for your comment over at today's post on DoWY, an important subject and I hope others here might also like to read about their digital legacy. YAM xx

  10. Our State now leads the nation in Covid cases, yuck. We've been retired for a couple of years now and we still pay around 20% in taxes.

  11. Here in India, we have private health insurance that people sign up, just in case they have to get hospitalized. Plenty of private players who offer premiums and services at competitive rates. Besides that, there are government hospitals that are less expensive than the private ones.

  12. The biggest mistake we made was making healthcare a for profit industry.

  13. We are all, in the United States, one serious illness away from bankruptcy. Our county isn't doing that great, compared with the rest of our state, with vaccinations. Alana


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...