Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Today Is Wednesday September 15 2021, This Is What Happen


Going to give 1 of the 37 writing prompts a try. I'm pushing my self though it. And I will attempt to do NUMBER 14 "What do you like best about living in our city" 

Don't think I would use term "Our City" no I would use term "My City" now. My mail comes to Naples Idaho. But most of my business and such is done in BONNERS FERRY I would say it divide into three area, the southside, northside, and downtown. Our town don't have many chain store in our area. Well there some advantage and not so advantage on this. I believe the only thing is a chain store is our super market and gas stations. We have no chain as a fast food place. Down town has some beautiful brick building and our down town is basically two and half blocks by two and half blocks in size. And town don't have parking meters since like the early 80's. We have some unique shops. Let me see if I can like the ones I try to support and browse though. Three antique shops THREE MILE ANTIQUE main thing I get out of there is fabric. SELKIRK NORTHERN TREASURE I bought couple of Christmas gifts and doll there. The other place is called this "OLD TRUNK" can't web site for them. Regis bought ROCK EM SOCKUM. Main thing I got out of there is more fabric. I have several time had my eye on some of there hand bag. Than down town I like to go into UNDER THE SUN AND SOUL SHINE as you know I have coffee and treat on Tuesday with Qunella. I do by items out of there. And catty corner is our lovely book store, Bonners Book. I think most people calls it JOHNS. The guy who owns is name "Johns" And we have two fabric store I go into is Callie Niche and couldn't find a web site and the other fabric store is LITTLE COMFORT QUILTING But I heard there a fabric store across the bridge on North Side of town, haven't check it out yet. I'm a thrift store shopping and our town has two COMMUNITY THRIFT and SECOND CHANCE I usually try to donate and shop more at Second Chance than Community Thrift, although nothing wrong with either one of them. All stores are wonderful and there only one store I won't support in my community. 
Unless you bring up politics and or religion people here is friendly. Mask wearing isn't popular I only once had issue from non mask wearer, although nothing I couldn't handle. I wish thing was little more tip to the liberal side. And my other complaint that things change as one leg snail pace.

 Look like we're having rain over the weekend. I did get a walk in this morning. 

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Hi Peppylady Dora! Thanks for commenting on my blog as much as you do! I like a good browse-around in an antique or second-hand store or a good yard sale too. I've found some real treasures over the years (at least, treasures to me!)

  2. Your city sounds nice and interesting!

  3. How nice to have unique shops rather than a bunch of chain places.

  4. I have been away for a few days to the seaside and missed a few of your posts, hope your son is recovering from his surgery I couldn't see mention. must be nice to have free parking in town! something we have to hunt for around here - I often walk (1 mile in) to avoid that issue :) Betty

  5. Sounds like you have some great stores to browse through in your town. Have a great day, stay safe! Valerie

  6. I had a look at the pictures for Selkirk Northern Antique, there are some very lovely things there.

  7. Seems to be a nice town where you live !

  8. The store where you get antiques must be interesting. I hope it's not much of a chaos without parking meters.

  9. ...I need more than a prompt.

  10. I have some distant relatives in Bonners Ferry. I guess they like it as they have been there a long time.

  11. Unique shops are disappearing around here. Sad.

  12. Your place sounds nice. Our city is very pretty and we even have a waterfall and park downtown.

  13. I’ve heard Idaho referred to on the US news regarding Covid and I always think of you when it is mentioned. Take care, Dora.

  14. It sounds like your community it pretty nice.

  15. It sounds as if you have some good shops/stores to have a browse around.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...