Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Today Is Tuesday September 14 2021, This Is What Happening

 Morning seem to be the hardest, for me. My emotions are every way but loose. All over the place. When I wake up and still in bed. I don't want to get out of bed and face roller coaster ride in my head. But I know after a bit it will settle down. 

I'm still trying to take care of my self. At time I have push my way though. I have change to get anther client. But at time I just can't handle any more of a load. So I will go over and tell her what going on with my son. And try to a lease line her up with anther care giver.   

I've start back doing my exercise and walking routine. On even days I do exercises and than odd days I take a walk. If it rain I go on treadmill.  

I was about not to talk about "Well Being" And I might not be top notch at this time. But hiding and not dealing with things, isn't be "resilient" so that my word "resilient" At this time I need some professional help to find my strength. And help me figure out my emotions. 

In my overeaters anonymous workbook. I will be sharing this question from the book "What did these action cost me? Fat, and both health and emotional issues.

I start to get my supplies line up for anther page for the Brooklyn Sketch Library. I need to figure and practice on how to draw and open book. Had coffee with Lalita and Qunella, at Under the sun. Found out Lalita hasn't gotten the vaccine and at this point I don't think she will. She thinks there is stuff in shot, that the government isn't telling us. Found out her oldest Grandson had covid and was on ventilator for about two weeks, and now is a long hauler. My area isn't the fashion capital of world. Most people I would say dresses causal. But once in while you will see someone stepping out of box of small town. One lady came out of Under The Sun with animal print one piece outfit. Hair dyed silver grey and wearing shot cut boots. Quenella start to giggle about the lady dress. I thought it was awsome, that someone had the guts to step out of the box. Quenella every since I know her pretty much wore the same thing. Her fashion is hippy type skirt and white blouse. Same hair style also since I known her and simple braid down her back. I'm pretty sure her braid doesn't make it to the back of her bra. People walking around today I saw more people with there "face diaper" on. That what some people around here calls the covid mask.  

Coffee is on and stay safe    


  1. It's sometimes great to watch what people wear. At least, when they try.

  2. Hope you find strength

  3. I don't like animal print clothes. I don't even like animal print rugs or blankets. I prefer to see the print on the animal it belongs to.
    I also think face diaper is a stupid name for the mask.

  4. Thanks for the fun description of your place and the different people. Look after yourself! Valerie

  5. Anonymous12:42 AM

    They may think they are being smart by calling masks 'face diapers' but both diapers and masks function well if worn well.

  6. I hate mornings too, I see everything in black after two cups of coffee it's better !This friend of yours is a public danger ! and stupid too.We all have to get vaccinated ! In France and from October on you are not allowed to go into a restaurant or cinema without a vaccination certificate, in short you can't go anywhere. I have it on my smartphone very easy and at least I am safe.

  7. Hope you get better soon, seems you´re on the way!
    Face diaper, LOL.

  8. ...you have to take care of yourself first before you can help others.

  9. I pray you find the help you need soon, Dora.

  10. Hari OM
    You are doing all the right things for yourself Dora - that's what counts. YAM xx

  11. Walking and exercise can do wonders to heal the mind and body.

  12. We tend to hate mornings when things are not going well for us. It is natural that we don't want to face the same things again. Hope you find hope to face whatever you need to face and regain your strength. Behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining. Most important is that you take care of yourself, be strong and then you will be in better position to help others.

  13. I'm all about selfcare. If you don't take care of yourself nobody else will. (You already know that)

  14. I think walking and exercise can definitely help in our sense of well-being.

    Thinking of you, take care.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...