Thursday, September 16, 2021

Today Is Thursday September 16 2021, This Is What Happen

 Today would of been my mother 98 birthday if she was still alive. 

Still my mind is in either one of these 4 places or maybe stages would be better term. Racing thoughts, depressing thoughts, blank mind, and normal mind. I did say normal. I couldn't say which one of these four will pop in. But last evening (Wednesday) my mind was total blank. I know no one mind is total blank. Most of day I would have to say most of the day I feel my mind was normal. But on way home I felt depress some what. And as I type this my mind is on racing thoughts, although it been more accelerated out. I haven't yet heard from the place where I will be seeing the therapist yet. They hired on new guy and I'm to be called this week. Well there one more day left in week, so if I don't hear from them by tomorrow by three. I will call and see what going on. 

Both Murphy and I would like go down on weekend day to see Bart, before his operation. 

Work been going ok. Did Laundry at both places today. And took Regis to his appointment and part of time I read book about letters between Virginia Woolf and Vita West. 

And yesterday when I came home from work, I left the lights on my cat and had dead battery this morning. 

I only did half of my exercise today and I don't want to wait to late to do them. So this is good time to do them.

Coffee is on and stay safe   


  1. I think your mind will be much easier when Bart's operation is over. My mum would be 96 now if she lived.

  2. Sending positive vibes to you.

  3. hope you get to see Bart.

  4. Good idea to visit Bart. Stay safe, Valerie

  5. I hope you get down to see Bart. When your mind is racing that’s when we do things like leave the lights on our cars
    Maybe slow down and rest up

  6. That's all signs of a depression. I had this for years in autumn it was called seasonal depression. As soon as Christmas was over I felt better. Some have the same in spring !

  7. Hope you will get to see Bart before his operation. Once I left the car lights on and the battery went totally flat.

  8. Good job for pushing through and doing all the exercises even while you are still feeling ‘off’!

  9. Hope you had more luck reaching that therapist!
    Best wishes for the OP and big buhhhh on the car.
    Crazy there are no warnings when you lock the car with lights on! Not even in new cars, my neighbor has a brand new car, yet I found it empty, lights on and he was home.

  10. I hope you hear from the therapist soon. Glad you are going to see Bart.

  11. ...make your weekend a happy one.

  12. Good luck with reaching your therapist...its horrible feel that way and not have relief. Hang in there.

  13. Going to see Bart is a good idea!

  14. When my mind is racing, I have some drops I take that help chill me out a little. Sometimes you need a little help to get back to calm. Definitely see Bart. I have left the lights on in my car a couple times. Not fun the dead battery.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...