Friday, September 10, 2021

Today Is Friday September 10 2021, This Is What Happen

 I went back on LEXAPRO. I took this back in 2006. I was diagnose with P.P.D (Persistent Depressive Disorder). Not serious case, no thoughts of self harm or suicide. Also some mange to function thought out the day. It takes a few days to get my mind and body use to Lexapro. Back then I was first start on PAXIL and I had non stop headaches, for like two to three weeks. Can't recall which one I was put on next. It was either Lexapro or ZOLOFT. Although one of them I end up gaining 60 pounds. But no headaches. Doctor ask me if I agree with the therapist diagnose. I told her I thought Anxiety was more of issue or me.  So I googled "Chronic Anxiety" and came up with G.A.D. Although never came to point I could maintain and get though the day. So Monday morning  I check in with doctor and see how things are going. 

One thing I need is pair of winter P.Js the pant pretty much falls off. Or possible I'm wearing rapper P.Js. Did plan to go with Quenella down to Sandpoint on the 14th. Me being under the weather, plans did shift somewhat. Maybe more toward end of month or first part of next month. 

I been playing around about buying COMPLETE WORK FRIDA KAHLO, although I never spend that kind of money on book. I went into our local book store, and I like supporting home town business when possible. He can get for more at $187. $7.00 less on amazon, and I have hunch he getting off of Amazon. But that ok. Well like I say "Still On Fence"

I press more fabrics, one of is pretty wrinkly. And couldn't get wrinkle press out. What is going happen is I'm going have to damp to good spin dry out of washing machine. Than try ironing it again. I want to try some ECO PRINTING. At this point I got fabric and paper mordant. Depends on weather I hope to gather some nature beauty. I been watching the QUILT SHOW on organizing and colors. 

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. If you can't get those wrinkles out, it may be crinkle cotton and made specially to stay that way. Could I suggest tighter elastic for the falling off pyjama bottoms? Or can you buy tops and bottoms as separates in different sizes?

  2. You're keeping busy. Hope the tablets soon help you! Have a great day, Valerie

  3. Hope whatever the doctor prescribe works for you. I think spinning may not be good for some materials. Try soaking the material, let it drip dry and then iron it. Hope it will work.

  4. ...I'm sorry to hear of your depression. My two oldest grandchildren, 18 and 20 have anxiety issues.

  5. Hari OM
    I add my wishes for finding the right medical balance = mental balance. The book looks like a real precious (your price is actually not too bad - it's about twenty quid cheaper than I could get it)... but is this website with the complete works not a good, free alternative? I see you can then order individual prints of those you wish to keep... YAM xx

  6. I'm glad you got some meds to help you out for a while.

  7. Good you take care of yourself and got treatment.

  8. Depression is a serious thing. Been there and done that, even spending a week in the hospital. I take Cymbalta for my fibromyalgia, which also treats depression. Life sometimes throws us wicked crap to deal with.

  9. I hope you feel better soon, Dora.

  10. Perhaps you should get off the fence. I think money spent on that book would be money well spent. I can picture you spending many hours going through everything in that book. You are obviously a very intelligent woman with broad interests. Perhaps you need to nourish your internal spring of wellness and creativity.

  11. Hope you feel better soon. I know that complete set of books is expensive but the way it keeps calling to you, I hope you can find a way to afford it. Alana

  12. Hopefully you'll find a med that works for you.

  13. hope the happy pills work :) Sounds like fun doing some printing. Frida Kalo I know nothing about yet there is art/pictures of her all over here, about time I updated myself.

  14. I do hope the medication helps you.
    Feel better soon.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...