Sunday, September 26, 2021

Today Is Sunday September 26 2021, This Is What Happen

 Sunday is day I take three comment using a number generator to see which comments I will blog about. Last week I had total of 66 comments. There were a few days I didn't blog. Usually it seems like my Sunday post might be little long. No apology here. Last evening I got some fabric strips sewn together. So I will share the piece I got done. 

My first comment I will be using is from Betty of WOOD FAIRY the comment she left was "Glad you have seen your son and feeling positive, glad your throat is nothing life threating, looks interesting wrapping trees and prep for winter....It help lot seeing Bart. I won't say I'm not worried. But the visit is helping me deal with it. But once I start talking to the therapist and sort things out. I believe that will make difference in my life. As for trees there certain ones we try to keep the odds down for deer damage.  

Number two comment once again comes from YOGI his comment is " I hope you get help soon. I see Idaho and Oklahoma are like two worst state for covid. So we have something in common....I'm not sure the difference between emotional and mental issues. But my state of Idaho has one of highest suicide rate, we are 48% higher than the national average. I called a while back and recently see what going on with the therapist was to be line up with. So if I hear nothing by 6th of October, I will call and see what's happening. I will put a wager that also Oklahoma carried Trump. 

Number three comment and last one is from LOW CARB and here is her comment "I do hope you get appointment with your therapist soon" There not many place here that one can get help for any sort of emotional and or mental health. I know a guy who spend about three month in our local hospital looking for Psychiatrics unit in hospital ward. I'm not sure how the state mental ward works. I believe the close one is in Orofino. But what I found out that non baby boomer are less than other generation to see a therapist. Personal I have no issue of seeing one. 

It look like I was blogging about mental illness back in 2008 if I look a little harder I bet it was before that. I feel our spiritual, mental and emotional health is as important as our physical health. 

Right before I woke up this morning I had dream about "cleaning carpet"  well things were swept under the carpet in our family. Although not as many as I know. But it part of the baby boomer generation. Outside appearance was the norm. Two saying comes to mind when I think of carpet...SWEEP UNDER THE CARPET and also CALL IT ON CARPET. There issue from way back in my life has to do with both phases. Once I have understanding I will post them on my blog .Once week I lay out tarot cards and since it first weekend after Mabon (Fall equinox) I did more of intense lay out. Not going to cover it all. "Heart of Matter" I got the Magician he/she has tools to get though life. My therapist will be one of my tools to help me deal with things. "Immediate future" I got hermit and I need to look inside of me and work things out. Than the last card I want to share would be Ten of sword. Not a so called comfort card. I look at ten of swords as despair and festered. This card came under "This Is Out Come" the card was upside down and I know all 10 of swords isn't going to disappear with flick of switch.  

 Murphy took out standing portable air condition and we will by second one, before nest year heat comes around again. I wash down my western saddle and need to get some neatsfoot oil. I know tomorrow I have to take Regis to some of his appointment in Sandpoint. Plus there some other places we want to stop in. Not sure what I will happen the rest of week. It came to my mind that I haven't worked on my personal tarot cards. But I did find an SURREALIST TAROT deck. Not sure if I will get it or not. But what I'm hoping I can do my version of Pluto in Aquarius. 

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Those were interesting. We're all thinking about you and Bart.

  2. Anonymous4:02 PM

    The suicide figure for your state is very disturbing. Do you have thoughts as to why it is so high?

  3. You are popular, so many comments you get!

  4. It is cooling off there already? Two air conditioners will be helpful if next year is anything like this one.

  5. I like your saddle, do you do much riding?

  6. Same as River above, I am curious to know more about your saddle, is it something you have kept in the family, or your own and whether you ride much (I am guessing you don't make room for a saddle in your home unless you ride!)

  7. The saddle is beautiful, as are your fabric patches. Hope you soon get help from a therapist, take care, Valerie

  8. Pretty fabric patches. Time to deal with whatever that has been swept under the carpet. Take care and stay safe.

  9. Is the 10 of swords the one with all the swords in a guy's back? Or am I thinking of the wrong one? Did you know Kickstarter has all sorts of Tarot decks that are being made? I found a yarny one that I'm going to get as soon as the boat the decks are on makes it here.

  10. Your fabric stripes are very nicely put together ! Color combination is also very important for emotional depression.

  11. "Last week I had total of 66 comments". That's a lot -- I'm envious!!! :b

  12. Trump states seem to be the worst in so many different ways. Anything that is bad for people is welcome in Trump states. Stay safe and I hope you get to see your therapist soon

  13. I like this kind of post where you answer questions.

  14. I think your fabric combinations are all very attractive!!!! And I meant to say this before…. but I do enjoy the new color scheme of your blog too!!!


  15. Idaho is like the dead zone, according to a few reports I've seen. My Boise brother says little about the extreme ICU carnage, just hopes next year will be better. He rarely goes to even the store anymore, just walks the dog a lot.

  16. I like the vibrant colours in your strips.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...