Saturday, September 18, 2021

Today Is Saturday September 18 2021, This Is What Happen

 Morning isn't as rough for me. But I wonder when I will either drop into depressive or anxiety stage. I know none of you can really do anything about it. I know I will get though it. Still planning to see a therapist, but finding one can be frustrating. But I'm willing to go down to Sandpoint to see one. I only know of 2 places in my community offers counseling and there well over 30 down in Sandpoint. 

I like to take a paragraph space and tell you about the black market. When I mention black market in YESTERDAY post, I'm not talking about meeting someone in back ally, with pass words and such. Most people I've taking care of got under $900 monthly and majority of them actual receives $771 month as a single person or for couple $1,191. I never took care of couple, which both was on disability.  So quite a few when they go to doctor and they exaggerate their condition. So in hope the doctor will write out prescription for more than they need or stronger dose. So usually they sale up to third of there pills. And extra $20 or so for these people comes in handy. I've mention it to other profession that is connected with the selling of part of medication. And they also turn a blind eye. Like I said an extra $20 makes the different if they will eat last few days of the month.  

Couldn't tell you how long I been working on my sketch book project for BROOKLYN ART LIBRARY. This is how I see generational planted of Pluto going though Capricorn. At this time Capricorn is going though Pluto, it came in November of 2008 and will leave in January 2024. Less than 6 months. Also during the American Revolution was Pluto was going though Capricorn. In nut shell Pluto going though Capricorn is about "Building a Better World" You may think of these words to describe this planet line up. Overhaul, Heavy, Forceful, Purposeful, and Freeing. These people were born as Capricorn going though Pluto. SAMANTHA POWERSJANE AUSTENANN RADCLIFF Some comes easy for me. I know what going to do for Pluto going though Aquarius. Not clue what I will be doing as Pieces going though Pluto. I should be here as Aquarius. I should see the first part of Pieces in Pluto, and I will be in my 80's

I've never been much interesting in mind of like serial killers. But I do have interested in mind of artist. The mean behind art. I can look at art for long period of time. Trying to figure what the art piece means.

We harvest most of garden, most we gave to the neighbors. They have 6 mouths to feed. Look like it might rain all weekend. 

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. We always hate to see the fresh garden veggies disappear. Very nice art too. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  2. Anonymous4:53 PM

    That drug dealing used to happen here, mainly with strong painkillers but with everything electronically connected now, it is harder to get an excess of medication.

  3. Thank you for the Blackmarket explanation. I've heard about the pill sales, it goes on here too, but much less these days as Andrew said. Sometimes it is younger people stealing pills to sell from parents or grandparents, or they will break into houses and steal them.
    The basket of tomatoes looks like a good feast. I'm happy that you share produce with neighbours.

  4. Nice of you to give your veg to the neighbours. You do have an appreciation for art.

  5. I’m sorry your not feeling well. I’m glad your going to find a therapist
    It’s sad that people need to sell off their medication so they can eat.
    Your very kind to share your produce with your neighbours
    I hope you can get the help you need.

  6. That's hard that so many people have such low incomes, glad you can help some with your produce. Have a great day, Valerie

  7. I hope you will get a good therapist and you will be feeling better soon. The pandemic has affected many people and their income. You are so kind to share your vegetables with your neighbour. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. I hope you can find a good therapist, it really helps, more then all pills of the world !

  9. Hope you find someone who can help you during this difficult time.

  10. Hang in there. Finding help and being able to get in to see someone has gotten so hard these days. Focus on things that make you happy. Push yourself to do some of those things. I know how hard that can be but will feel better once you do.

  11. I tidied my vegetable patch this morning and harvested some veg. You are kind to share with your neighbours, Dora.

  12. So our Pluto is in the same spot it was during the Revolution? Suddenly, things make a hell of a lot more sense.

    I can see how some of your clients would take advantage of the extra pills they have. Not great, but understandable.

  13. I hope you can find a therapist to go see.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...