Monday, September 20, 2021

Today Is Monday September 20 2021, This Is What Happen


For first time I did some eco dying of fabric. I thought I would post some photo. I consider my first round trail and error. 

I haven't heard from therapist, so I called and to find out what is going on. Well they got me on list to see this one therapist, who is new hire. He hasn't been there for month and only has a small case load, so he can get use to the paper work. So it sound like I will be seeing him in one or two weeks. And their anther therapist coming on board in October. The lady who schedule behavior health ask me if I was going harm my self and my answer was no. But I told  her the morning was the most difficult for me. I couldn't come up with word in morning how feel, tell I got off the phone. The word would be "Hallow" 


Just general stuff at work. Found a table on main street in Bonners Ferry. Ate my lunch and read a few pages but had trouble keeping focus. The hospital doctor wrote a LETTER TO PAPER and still people in my area thinks the plaque is a hoax. As of 17th they're is 208 active cases here. But we're a low population area. Still my community haven't made third on vaccinations. Still low amount people where mask. I had to go into grocery store. But I don't get people who wear mask around there chin. I saw two adult female walking in store, with mask down around there chin. Usual you don't see many like that. They had smug look on there face. Question time...what statement our these people trying to make? Qunella and I will be meeting for our morning coffee tomorrow. We get our coffee and treat at Under The Sun, head out to and outdoor table. Once the weather start to cool down. We won't be meeting weekly. Usual the majority at under the sun aren't masked and no plexiglass. So we will discuss cooler weather plans. Until the snow flies we could possible meet once month at each other places. Qunella and I been both vaccinated.

Coffee is on and stay safe   


  1. I keep seeing reports of people who pooh-poohed Covid are now dying of it. Scary.

  2. I hope you feel much better this week. I find it ridiculous that people can think the pandemic is a hoax, and yet they find it ridiculous that we believe Covid-19 exists and kills. It is a strange world we live in now. Keep well and keep the coffee brewing 😍

  3. I hope you get to see the therapist soon. I can't believe I heard a woman here on the news saying there is no pandemic, there never was a pandemic, it's all a stupid lie. How can people still think like that when others are ill and dying by the hundreds?

  4. Hi there --

    Have been responding to your Tweets, including the Tweet that had this post's links. Have you seen them?

  5. I hope you get our appointment soon. I just don't understand people who refuse masks and vaccinations. Valerie

  6. Since the Covid drama therapists are overloaded with work ! That's the case here and now the hospitals have less Covid cases but the psychiatric clinics are full !

  7. Hari OM
    Glad you got an appointment... 'hollow' is a good description word for internal condition. One immediately understands.

    Love the evo-printing! My sister does a lot of this type of thing. YAM xx

  8. Scary how people who ignore COVID are falling victim to the virus. Stay safe.

  9. Hope you will get to see the therapist soon. Just don't understand how some people can think that covid is a hoax. Are all those people who died a hoax too. So sad that they are endangering their own lives and those of their love ones.

  10. The statement they're making is they are stupid or that they just don't give a bit about other people. Or science. Anyhow, we don't have a single ICU bed available in our county or the next one over, across the river. Not one bed because of the anti vax anti mask folk, now sick with Covid.

  11. I hope you get some help soon.
    I see that Idaho and Oklahoma are like the two worst states for covid. So we have something in common!

  12. Hopefully you will get in to see the therapist on schedule. With more Covid popping up here many businesses are making masks mandatory since our government isn't.

  13. It is the deaths from being unable to get into the hospital because it is full of anti-Vaxers and anti-maskers that makes me angry. Telling them that they need to get vaccinated or mask up for the sake of others has the opposite effect. Others can get sick and die because they know they won't. Until they do.

  14. Hi Dora, maybe in another post would you explain what eco dying is? Also, I hope you're feeling better.

  15. I hope you can get an appointment with the therapist soon, Dora. You deserve better than to feel hallow.

  16. Good to try eco dying.

  17. Beautiful fabrics and weee, what a work day.

  18. I am intrigued by your eco dying.

  19. I do hope you can get an appointment with the therapist soon.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...