Friday, September 03, 2021

Today Is Friday September 3 2021, This Is What Happen

 Oh where to start. I had to take a bit of drive before went to work, didn't want to show up to work with teary eyes. So I drove around the Oxford loop, and more less what conversation between my mind and heart. Any long time goals comes to mind I begin to cry. So for now I'm keep my plan less than 30 days out. If I think much past that I start to cry. See I been putting Bart in the past tense and none of us is promise tomorrow. And I know people who live with cancer for like over 20 years, one of my cousin by marriage went though all sort of cancer for well over 20 years.  I know I have strength to get though it.  

I been debating this with my self, about having guess bloggers. I made the step and ask my sons and there wives. In near future I want to ask my friend Liz, Regis, Poet, Qunella, Lolita, and I'm sure I will come up with others. And as for what blog, it depends on what pops in my mind. I don't have many rules about blog post. If they want to give basic weather report or write lengthy post. That ok with me. 

I've glance though the BOOK and read some of passages in this book. Found out Virginia Woolf has made a entry in Vita diary. Well I want to know back in Victorian and Edwardian era if it was fairly common to make entiries in other people diary and or journals. Question time...Have you every had a guess blogger? 

I was hoping to get something creative done, so I can share it. I mange to finish up chapter 4 and 5 in my overeaters Anonymous work book, well question isn't easy. It look like I will have to go though the book several time. For what every reason part of me isn't ready or willing to deal with certain things in my life. It beautiful day clear blue sky's. 



  1. I can understand you being upset about Bart. I would be too, if one of my children had a cancer. It is hard always staying positive, so cry when you need to, but maybe not while driving. I hope he will be okay, just like the last time.

  2. I feel for you. Life is tough.

  3. It is difficult to remain positive and upbeat when illness is severe or when there may be no improvements. Sometimes we need to just get emotional about it and release that depth of feeling we have about it all... how much it just sucks and how powerless we feel about not being able to do anything about it. Virtual Hugs my Friend.

  4. Life is not easy, that's for sure! Valerie

  5. Anonymous2:44 AM

    I can't imagine the fear you are feeling, but please stay optimistic. Modern medicine is a wonderous thing.

  6. ...we have a friend who has been battling cancer for years, many high and lows.

  7. That has to take the joy from life right now, the fear for your son. I too know many people who battle cancer and have done so for years. Some with better success than others. Right now I want to cry a lot of the time too. I feel so alone, like this big huge black hole is trying to suck the life and joy from this world before completely destroying it. I got screamed at last night by the lady whose cat I took clear to Portland to be fixed. I don't know why. She sounded just out of her mind, ready to kill people or something, filled with hate and I was the target last night. It took me by surprise.

  8. It really is tough battling cancer, especially for the family who feels so helpless along the journey. Hugs from all of us.

  9. "Any long time goals comes to mind I begin to cry." I'm sorry to learn this and if it's any consolation, I think you are far from alone in feeling this way. Sending a virtual hug over.

  10. I can’t make you stop worrying about Bart. But I can hold your hand and give you a hug, and offer you a shoulder to cry on

  11. I know you're going to worry about Bart, you can't help that but I hope things start looking up and you all get good news about the tumor.

  12. I'd like to give you a virtual hug. Cancer is tough for any family but when it hits that close. I'll be thinking of you. I think you will find a lot of support in those who enjoy reading your blog. I've had guest bloggers a couple of times when I was in blogging challenges but that was years ago. It worked out well. Alana

  13. Guest posters would be interesting. I wonder what they'll write about.

  14. So sorry about what you are going through. I've never had a guest blogger. I get an offer every so often who says they will write a post for me but I haven't taken them up on it yet.

  15. I’ve never considered a guest blogger. Interesting idea, Peppy. Take care.

  16. Re your guest blogger query: I've never had one and don't see a reason to have one for myself. As it is, it's not like I don't give space to other voices in my blog posts as I do quote a number of other people, especially in my more serious posts.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...