Thursday, August 26, 2021

Today Is Thursday August 26 2021, This Is What Happen

 This morning national news a segment came from town where my son Sawyer live. Of course on COVID. Had every plan to go down to Medford, for Halloween. It looking like I'm not going. Unless things turn around. If they go and do booster at 8 months I can get mind in Oct, and Murphy can get his in November. Now I'm thinking about going down in January of 2022. My client Liz hasn't got her vaccine yet. So I send her copy of this LETTER written by one of our local Emergency room doctor. 

My old Cat Ziggy isn't much for this earth. I figure if he makes until Sunday. I will be surprise. It his time to go. He close to 20 years old and live a life as top cat. I'm feeling a 😟.Confession time...I'm anxious over my feelings. It will be blessing his passing. 

Today Regis had two appointment one with his cognitive therapy. Which they do under the tree outside. But his physical therapy is done inside. Well I try to stay out of the hospital, unless I'm needed. I had to go in shortly. The person who does Cognitive is a nice guy, and I need to get copies of my quarterly taxes I pay in. With this Covid it sure change all sort things in world. So he got copy for me. And Regis forgot his remote for his HF 10. So I went and got his remote. Had to mask up and go into the hospital area and was in and out less 10 minutes. I did some embroidery waiting for Regis.

Still getting hang of using the electronic time clock though our smart phone. The key is not forgetting to sign in.

Stop in to see my two Aunts I have left, both in their 90's

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Sorry to hear you have to put off your visit to your son, but better to wait until you both have your booster shot. no need to feel anxious about your feelings when it comes to your cat. It's a sad time when a loved pet dies and you should allow your feelings to reflect that, not try to hide them.

  2. It's always sad when pets die, they really become part of the family. Valerie

  3. Ziggy is 20? That’s a very long life for a cat.

  4. The reason why I no longer keep pet is that I can't bear to say goodbye to them. It is heartbreaking. Take care and stay safe.

  5. It's bad in rural Oregon. I saw a Medford piece tonight I think, where two died one day in ICU then two more the next day, which I think was today. It's all the rednecks who wouldn't get vaccinated and think the virus is a hoax. Here too, overloaded ICU's with the idiots mostly.

  6. Anonymous2:27 AM

    It is funny how we can say it a blessed relief when pets die, but we usually aren't game to say that about relatives and friends who die.

  7. Sad about Ziggy Dora, even knowing he's had a long happy life you will still miss him when he's gone, it's the only downside to having pets, they usually go before we do 💛

  8. ...we continue to stay close to home and that's fine with me.

  9. Sorry that you are about to lose Ziggy. And I'm sorry that you have to postpone your trip, but it's probably for the best.

  10. Sorry to hear about your kitty. My furs are my life and I love them so much.

  11. Therapy under a tree sounds great to me.
    Stay safe

  12. We're very sorry to hear about your sweet Ziggy, it's always sad and never easy.

  13. 20 is a good age for a cat, mine all passed away around 20, but I had to put them asleep they started to suffer. Now only Rosie stays with me she is 14.

  14. All the best for Ziggy, so sorry.

  15. How lucky you are to have two aunts still alive!

    With Covid so rampant there, it is probably a good idea to visit your son later.

  16. They are starting to talk about boosters here too. Have to wait until most people are vaccinated first, though.

  17. I'm so sorry about Ziggy. If we do boosters, I will be due for one in November.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...