Sunday, August 29, 2021

Today Is Sunday August 30 2021, This Is What Happen

 Have hunch this posting might be a little long. Plenty to cover, and will start with my in or semi depth topic from three comments during the past week.

My first comment came from Yami  over at DOES A WILD YAM and her comment she left went as...Dora it is understandable that your feeling a bit wobbly inside from news from Bart....I send my love and Vibes to you for support and put up a prayer coming though this next procedure as well as last one. First of all I want to thank all who have Bart in their thoughts. I can't recall the exact timing he had an M.R.I on his and everyone came back great. Until this time. It small tumor they again found. So now they're waiting for the insurance company to give the go. Insurance company doesn't have any medical training to really speak of. And line up surgery. After his last procedure he change his diet to vegan, and not worry as much. Well in my mind I didn't see him as high strong. Although I feel helpless. Although I don't have to worry about his choices. So sometime after Wednesday and before Saturday I will check in with him. Confession time I'm a somewhat worried about not getting into surgery because some the procedure and stuff is being put on hold, because of the hospital be fill up with non vax people. 

My second comment comes clear from China. Confession time I really didn't know all that much about Asia. I thought China, Indonesia, Myanmar and such was all the same place. But every so often I get visit and comment from WEBS OF SIGNIFICANCE and his comment goes as ...I find it hard to hear an N95 for any length of time, so I tend go for surgical masks. Do you have an option as something between N95 and cloth mask?...Your lucky to see anyone with mask on here in Bonners Ferry area. Today Murphy and I went get a few items, and only three people had mask on, as far as I can see. And we're part of the three. Usually I wear and N95. But if I have to do much talking for what every reason, I than will put cloth mask. Idaho thoughts and way of life is like SOUTHEASTERN part of United States. 

My third comment came from River and her blog is called DRIFTING THOUGH LIFE and she left me this comment. Try drawing the hand as you see them, than turn the photo up side down so the hands face the other way and try drawing that view, see which one comes out best. For facebook, maybe set a timer for an one hour and turn off facebook? In my real life I don't know too many people spend that much on face book....I been practicing a little on hand drawing. I'm sure not expecting an top notch job. But it will be part of my expression on drawing I plan to do. As for facebook I sort of got schedule on my next bullet journal. 

Ziggy is has cross over the rainbow bridge and join other other there. He was so ready to go. Ziggy like sun bathing.

He liked the sun lot, but best next thing was spending time in bathtub. He buried on property out by the barn. When he was younger he spent a lot time out in barn and hunting gophers. So he wrap in yellow towel and with kitty nip. 

Well had nice green salad for dinner, add some beets and fennel. Like to do more with fennel. Found some recipes using white beans. Had bake potato and steak also.

Did a little organizing embroidery floss and worked a little bit on current quilt block. Finish up September and October bullet journal  I know usual don't eat after 7 put I got piece peach pie in fridge so I'm going heat it a bit and enjoy.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. rip ziggy, sorry that you no longer have your loyal kitty friend. Hope your Bart gets surgery in a place where non vac people are kept well away from him.

  2. Sounds like you have been busy. Sorry about Ziggy. Have a good and safe week! Valerie

  3. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Sorry to hear about Ziggy. I am sure he had a fine life. It is strange when you receive a blog comment from a person in a non English speaking country you aren't familiar with.

  4. ...I must have been hard to lose Zippy.

  5. Rip Ziggy. It is hard to lose our pet. Over here, it is mandatory to wear a face mask in public.

  6. So sad about Ziggy, but I think he had a happy life ✨ Bart still in our thoughts Dora, all will be well I'm sure, but it is impossible not to worry. You should not feel bad about that peach pie, it was a hard day, once in a while is not going to hurt you 💙

  7. Zingy will be missed!

    I hope Bart’s surgery goes ahead without any delays.

  8. We are all so sorry to hear about your Ziggy, hugs from all of us. We're also sending good thoughts for Bart's surgery too.

  9. Hi there --

    Thanks for the shoutout. But while Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China, I'd very much appreciate if you refer to where I'm from as just Hong Kong rather than China because it's (still) actually quiite different from the rest of China. E.g., if I were in Mainland China, I would not be able to freely access Google or Blogger like I currently am able to do in Hong Kong. Weird but true!

  10. I know you will miss Ziggy. "Out by the barn" sounds like just the right place to bury him.

  11. Sorry about Ziggy. Our critters don't live long enough is what I think sometimes.

  12. I'm so sorry for your loss.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...