Monday, August 30, 2021

Today Is Monday August 30 2021, This Is What Happen


My local community don't have much and I mean much for street art. I think we have two murals and one statue. Since I was in Sandpoint with Regis and saw this. And plus a place to park. Actual don't know if it actual glass or not. 
The reason we went to Library down there is to get some dvds. I want to find Orlando and also Vita & Virginia. But they didn't have them. I will keep my eyes open at local thrift store. I might quickly check our local library. But I think long shot. Controversial items and things isn't much in these community. The two dvd I brought home is Biography of Charles Darwin and Dark Secrets Of The Black Sea. I need to pay up some bigger bills so I didn't get much of anything. Spend less $20.

I found out they were rally I believe was Sunday over the mask and vaccine mandate. I miss it it, like I care. So glad I have plenty things here to keep my self busy and out of my own thoughts. Been times I had to get my self out of my own thoughts. Mostly when the majority choose not put on a mask. The only thing I wear is N95. Keep in mind the county I live is just over 12,000. This last week we had 15 new cases. And those who been test has 20% positive rate. Still just over fourth of population been fully vaccinated here. But it slowly going up. Actual our death rate been 14 for some time now.

Our tree is just starting to change. I was looking at the flower bed in front of place. That for last two years need to be dug up. I know someone who is willing to take them. And they had there shots. 

Coffee is on and stay safe  


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    The sculpture is very nice indeed and quite clever.

  2. That street art is very pretty and colorful!

  3. That's a beautiful piece of art, I can imagine the sun shining through and making coloured reflections on the ground.

  4. That is a great piece. I wonder what it's for.

  5. The art sculpture does catch the light nicely. Can imagine the many colours radiating out. I hope you will enjoy your DVDs, I think I will like Dark secrets of the Dead Sea. I am so glad in my country, wearing a mask is mandatory. I am not against people's rights but this coronavirus is not something that should be taken lightly. If I have to go out for groceries and be with people I do not know, I feel safer if they are wearing masks. Have a good week Dora

  6. I love that piece of art. I wonder, does it move?
    I can imagine how lovely it looks in the sunshine
    My gardens are very over grown with weeds
    Hopefully soon the weather will warm up and I can go out and start to get them ready for spring

  7. Very interesting piece. Have a great day, stay safe!

  8. That is a beautiful piece of art.

    Glad you are staying busy, Dora.

  9. Loving the colors in that piece of street art.

  10. Street art … that sculpture is beautiful. I love the colors.

  11. I like the pictures you posted.

  12. Interesting street art ! I like the colors

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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...