Sunday, August 22, 2021

Today Is Sunday August 22 2021, This Is What Happen


Had plan to get tattoo of broom this month, with writing arch around the broom "Sweep Away In Justice". Did a few practice runs on drawing a broom. Well I change my mind not to get a tattoo at this time. The number one reason is "Covid isn't being taken seriously here in Idaho" To me, not enough people have been vaccinated or wears a mask. Than there the business who isn't set up to keep their employees and customers safe. This is what one of our Emergency room DOCTOR WROTE  on his facebook page. and one of our local paper picked it up. 

We did make to Post Falls yesterday to visit Murphy sister and her husband. One of Granddaughter of Faith was there. She got minor in Education and her main degree will be in Journalism. Not sure if she will try for a master. But she in her senior year of college. Not sure if Murphy sister Susan isn't having anything to do with her entire family or not. But she a big "Trump" support. Well she won't have nothing to do with Her sister Faith and or daughter Fran, who isn't "Trump" let say groupie" It been a while since we seen Murphy siblings, because of Covid. If memory service me right I think it was Easter of 2019. She had an Easter gathering. Heniz Faith husband has look like he aged quite a bit. He is 90 years old. A few years ago, one wouldn't guess he was elderly. He was always so active. I guess his age is catching up with him. Tuesday he and Faith is going down to California to celebrate his 90 and half birthday. He from the Bay Area.

Let see which three comment during last week I will be putting more thought into. First one I will be using is from Jackie from JUNK BOAT TRAVELS and her comment she left...Goodness! We all wear our mask, plexiglass everywhere and hand sanitizer as you enter. Most even have a person making sure you sanitize. I don't understand the US keep boarder close to us Canadians (75% fully Vaccinated) yet we open our boarder to Americans.... I shake my head sometime in amazement how the United State is handling the pandemic and some of the extreme conservative states. Still I see plenty of people not taking this plaque serious. As Murphy and I was heading to see his family. He and I stop in Athol Idaho Super One to use the restroom and grab a burrito out of the deli. The store was pretty busy. They had plexiglass up for their employees. As far as I saw none had mask on and very few of customers' was wearing a mask, of any sort. As I'm on West Coast of United State in Panhandle of North Idaho, we board Canada, PORT HILL and EASTPORT For a while a seen a few British Columbia plates in our town of Bonners Ferry. A week or so ago I was with Regis in doctor office and guy came in to see about covid test because he and three other want to go up into Canada. So at time when he was in doctor office getting a covid test. For me to go into Canada I would need either pass port or I think they are called American card, which I could either drive into Canada or Mexico. Proof of vaccine and negative covid test in last 72 hours of crossing. Yet I have to get permission to cross the boarder with customs and still could be ask to take covid test at boarder. There American here think that the Hispanic at our southern boarder is root cause of plaque. I don't know if we can keep one boarder open and the other close or not. There lot of good about America. I would be leery about coming and which stated I would go to. Not sure as today what our policies for crossing either boarder, at this time.

For my second comment is from "Tom" of BACKROADS TRAVELLER and his comment he left was ...we have had a wonderful day of rain...Our weather is mix up as I was growing up. Usual July and August is our hot and dry seaon. But June has some super hot days. Now we are in last part of August it been more milder and had a few good rain showers. 

For my third comment is from "Yogi" of YOGI DEN and his comment he left was...A human library, I like that. Could I check out someone to mow my lawn...I thought the ideal of human library was a great ideal, here a BLOG POST I did on human library. The main thing is to unjudge and learn about other people. As for someone mowing your lawn, no it not going to happen. Both stay at safe location. Not saying a friendship couldn't develop. With plaque I would guess it on hold or hopefully some type safety is put in place. Not sure if this true or not. I don't feel like seeing if it is or not. You can get younger person to do yard work and they get a P.E credit (Physical Education)

The other day I got a new blank journal from our local book store. I will be doing Sept until finish of the year in this bullet journal.  So far I got pages number. A little later on I will finish up this current bullet journal and get next one going. Not sure if you can make out the quilt block I been working on or not. It white rabbit from Alice and wonderland. Although it will be gray. Confession time...I spend way to much time on facebook, yes I been sucked in. If I say I'm going to give it up completely I would be lying to my self. Personal people I actual looked eye to eye is on there. Which I hardly see in person. Still want main contact with. I need to set up some personal bounds on my time on facebook. I saw two thing that people spend half hour to two and half hours daily on facebook. So I don't know how much time I want to spend on facebook. Got three photo print of hands, so I can work on drawing hands. I had a hard time mental flipping them in my mind.

Coffee is on an stay safe.


  1. I agree with you, it probably isn't a good time to get a tatoo, it's not always the cleanest process even without Covid being around.

  2. I tend to agree with you, probably best NOT to get a tattoo at this present time.

    All the best Jan

  3. Facebook can be like a rabbit hole that draws you in. I avoid it as much as I can.

  4. It's hard to get out of the habit of going on Facebook, I imagine. You have to find something else to do when you want to, so you do that instead.

  5. Try drawing the hands as you see them, then turn the photo upside down so the hands face the other way and try drawing that view, then try a sideways view and see which one comes out best.
    For Facebook, maybe set a kitchen timer for one hour and when it goes off, turn off Facebook? In my real life, I know too many people who spend too much time on Facebook.

  6. I hate how politics have divided families including my own. Almost my whole Idaho side hates me right now.
    So no lawn mowing from a human library? How about somebody give me some ideas to lead a productive retirement life?

  7. I would be scared to get a tattoo just because it hurts.

  8. I sometimes think a tiny tattoo would be nice and then I think I'm not doing that.

  9. I wouldn't want to get a tattoo that will scare my skin.

  10. I like the idea of a broom. I’m not into tattoos myself but I do admire the art on others
    I don’t understand politics coming between people. Believe me the politicians, all politicians really don’t cafe about their little people. It’s all about the number of votes and the about the ones who have to money to be able to influence outcomes. They are all cut from the same cloth I say Stay safe

  11. I would never get a tattoo, I just done't like them. Have a great week, Valerie

  12. Not a good time to get a tattoo is right if the don't believe in customer safety. I like the broom and Sweeping Away Injustice.

  13. If you get that tattoo, do note that I think you meant (like at least one other person has pointed out): Sweep Away Injustice (as opposed to in justice).

  14. Such a shame Chump had the power to divide families Dora, I don't understand it at all, he was/is such a creepy guy. I think a tattoo that has a special meaning to you is perfectly ok to do but as you say maybe not right at this moment.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...