Friday, August 20, 2021

Today Is Friday August 20 2021, This Is What Happen

 It been sometime since I taken a photo of the sky. Last night we had quite the storm came though and wnd up with 3/4 inch of rain. I thought I taken some other sky picture.

It was pretty quite day at work. But glad it Friday. Got both ready for the weekend. Murphy and I are going down tomorrow to see his sister Faith and her husband Heinz. They live down in Post Falls and Tuesday they are heading down to San Francisco.  He from the bay area. 

I rather support my local business. Got some photos of my hand holding an item. The items isn't what is concerning me. But for reason I want to draw hands holding a heart. Well in my mind I can't flip such picture in my mind. So I had both Regis and Liz take some photo. Rather take local photo business to have some print made. Well our local photo place, not sure how much safety caution and it pretty much toss the wind. Even if my hubby and I been both vaccinated. I figure I would be safer at Walmart, on way back I will swing in Walmart and get photo printed. Confession time...I feel safer at a major airport, also flying on airplane. 

Didn't go to our local fair, because of Covid. I heard the place was packed and very little mask. I hash over the fair and no need to go on and on. Nothing I can do about stupid people. Well I'm hashing the thought of going to our local quilt show. Lot less people than our fair. Been vaccinated. Still a lot of people here isn't vaccinated. And safety isn't taken serious.  Our quilt show is October 8 & 9. Guess I will look at numbers. The follow weekend is one Spokane. Sure it over in Washington and they taken more safety precaution to keep their people safe. I have no trouble putting a mask on. I guess I will see what numbers are.

Poet is one of Regis neighbor. Sometime she said she would teach me how to do a granny square in crochet.

Coffee is on and stay safe. 


  1. I spent today growling at 8th graders about keeping their masks over their noses. But they were wearing them.

  2. Oh, goodness yes, stupid people! My county is the worst in the state (and not the big city counties) for cases and so many still rant and rave in comments to the newspaper and tv news articles online. Isn't it funny to feel safer at Walmart! I was at mine today, and mostly everyone wore masks. It's no big deal to do so!

  3. I always find hands hard to draw.

  4. Same here Dora, so many stupid people without masks and who refuse to be vaccinated. Stay safe, Valerie

  5. Hari OM
    It remains a worry, indeed, that everything thinks the Thing is gone. Already here in Scotland with schools back for a week, our infection figures have gone skyward again... Enjoy your trip and stay safe! YAM xx

  6. Too bad about the fair but at least you have peace of mind.

  7. ...have a good trip.

  8. We're wearing our masks when we go out, but we are sure in the minority, but we don't care.

  9. Yeah, can’t fix stupid …

  10. A full vaccinated friend was pretty sick with Delta, so be careful!

  11. Kten says is all... scary times...

  12. Probably a good idea not to have gone to the fair. There have been break-through Covid infections among vaccinated people.

  13. I used you tube tutorials that’s how I learnt to crochet
    That way you can pause or rewind as often as you want. I save the ones I really like and go back anytime for a refresher if I need

  14. Our large supermarket is enforcing masks...mostly

  15. Hope you had a good weekend Dora and enjoyed your visit to see your sister in law and husband. I think you are wise to go to events where there won't be as many people, and keep your mask on 😉

  16. Here it's quite good with the vaccination but still people who refuse !

  17. That's a really pretty sky picture. I love it when it rains.

  18. I do like your sky photograph.
    We've had a mixture of weather recently ...

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Tuesday, January 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, Murphy and I finished up the dining room wall. We're both a little sore. Well, I've been a lot sore. I think on Thursday,...